Age is not just a Number

2 min readJan 3, 2023


What is your age? How old are you? These questions are not always answered directly by many of us. Some say they are 18+, some say they are in their late 20’s. These days, as people age they intend to hide their actual age.

A marketing person visited my home today. After explaining his product, he said I look like a college girl. I understand that it's his marketing strategy to please me and make me buy his product. But I wonder what made him think reducing a person's age would please them.

People always look forward to gaining experience and are proud to mention that they have so and so years of experience in a particular field. Years of experience is to represent the time period a person had spent analysing, learning, practising and excelling in a particular domain. But they are not proud in telling their years of life experience. If a person is 65 years old, it means that he has 65 years of experience in life. His success, failures, decision-making skills,… everything is his experience towards life.

Age is not just a number to be embarrassed about,

It is the years of experience in Life.

I think it’s time to normalise age. Be proud and humble at the same time in mentioning your age. Share your life experience, educate the seeking and help others to gain some quality life experience.

