Best Time To Drink Coffee For Staying Healthy & Happy

Happy Smart Coffee
3 min readOct 7, 2019


Majority of working Americans get happy with mere mention of coffee. Probably you are one of them. People who start their day with brewing the delicious warm beverage might not know what is the best time of the day to drink it. Consuming happy coffee cannot be healthy at certain time of the day and it can contribute more to your health during certain part of the day. Taking educated decision will be definitely in your favor.

Why You Should Drink Coffee?

Yes it tastes delicious but thankfully that is not all about coffee. It can be consumed for so many healthy reasons that include improving quality and longevity of your life. It is done in various ways like reducing risk of cancer by 20 percent, decreases risk of heart diseases by 5 percent, lessens the risk of type 2 diabetes by 30 percent and lowers the risk of Parkinson’s disease by 30 percent.

The magical beverage does this by enriching your body with natural antioxidants, repairing the damaged DNA and improving enzymes’ efficiency and more. In general, people rely upon a caffeine shot for improving their power to concentrate, increase attentiveness and managing mood swings.

What Has Cortisol To Do With Coffee Consumption?

Cortisol, as some of you may already know is the stress hormone,is responsible for making a person feel alert at times and sleepy at some other time. Actually presence of cortisol makes a person active and the other way round, quite like caffeine.

Studies have validated the fact that presence of cortisol and caffeine together in a person’s body can shoot up the stress level. It is thus, important that you are not having your cup of joy when cortisol is already playing its part to keep you alert.

How To Decide The Best Time To Drink Your Latte?

Zillions of people prefer having their first cup of coffee as soon as they get out of bed. It is a common misconception that it makes you feel active. However, the truth is that you are already active and you don’t really need to boost your energy level externally.

Also, when a person consumes it empty stomach it may hamper your gut health. It is best to have your coffee after one-two hours of your wake up time. You can also brew it from noon to 1 pm but avoid it in the late evening hours as it might obstruct your sleep. If you really want to have it, make sure you gulp down your last cup by 6 in the evening.

Choose a healthy elevate smart coffee for being more productive and positive in life.



Happy Smart Coffee

Happy Smart Coffee will help you transform your body and mind back to healthy state.