Happy St Patrick’s Day Funny E-cards, Jokes and Wishes

Happy St. Patricks Day All
5 min readMar 10, 2017


Happy St Patrick’s Day Funny E-cards, Jokes and Wishes

Sant March 9, 2017 Happy St Patrick’s Day Funny E-cards, Jokes and Wishes2017–03–09T11:39:52+00:00Jokes No Comment

Happy St Patrick’s Day Funny E-cards, Jokes and Wishes:- Saint Patrick is one of the most famous saint the world have ever seen. In his remembrance, Saint Patrick’s day is observed annually on 17th March. When he was about sixteen he was kidnapped and sold as a slave in Ireland there he became a shepherd. Saint Patrick is known worldwide as the saint of Ireland, but he is the saint of much more. His patronages include engineers, excluded people, Ophidiophobics. He is the patron saint against snakes and snake bites. His representations include the shamrock, snakes, the cross, harps, demons, baptismal fonts, purgatory, a bishop driving snakes before him, and a bishop trampling snakes.

Happy St Patrick’s Day Funny E-cards, Jokes and Wishes

So,Check out this collection of St. Patrick’s Day Funny Jokes, E-cards and Wishes to share with your love ones and wish them in a very unique manner. We hope you will like this collection about Saint Patrick’s day provided by our team members.

Two Irish mothers, Kate and Lorna were talking about their sons.Kate says, ‘My Patrick is such a saint. He works hard, doesn’t smoke, and he hasn’t so much as looked at a woman in over two years.’
Lorna responds, ‘Well, my Francis is a saint himself. Not only hasn’t he not looked at a woman in over three years, but he hasn’t touched a drop of liquor in all that time.’
‘My word,’ says Kate, ‘You must be so proud.’
‘I am,’ announces Lorna, ‘And when he’s paroled next month, I’m going to throw him a big party.’

Donncha and MacArthur are preparing to be blasted into space and have just left the mission briefing when one turns to the other and says, ‘Mac, where are we goin?’MacArthur replies, ‘Well Donncha, the man in charge said we are on a mission to the sun.’
‘OK,’ says Donncha, he thinks for a while and then asks, ‘Won’t it be a bit hot, it being the sun and all?’
‘Don’t be stupid, Donncha,’ says MacArthur, ‘the man said we’d be going at night.’

Paddy Was driving his lorry when he saw a bridge with a sign saying 10 foot max. headroom. He slowed down wondering if he could drive under it or not , ‘A shure I’ll give it a go, he thought only to find that his lorry got stuck underneath it.Paddy sat back in his seat, poured out a cup of tea and lit a cigarette. A policeman arrived a short time later and knocked on the cab door which Paddy then opened, ‘what do you think you are doing? asked the policeman in a sharp tone, ‘Sure I’m having me tea break, replied Paddy, ‘And what do you work at? asked the policeman, ‘Agh shure I deliver bridges,! smiled

An Irishman, by the name of O’Malley proposed to his girl on St. Patrick’s Day. He gave her a ring with a synthetic diamond. The excited young lass showed it to her father, a jeweller. He took one look at it and saw it wasn’t real.
The young lass on learning it wasn’t real returned to her future husband. She protested vehemently about his cheapness.
‘It was in honour of St. Patrick’s Day, ‘he smiled.
‘I gave you a sham rock.’

‘I had an accident opening a can of alphabeti spaghetti this morning,’ said Murphy.
‘Were you injured?’ inquired Seamus.
‘No, but it could have spelled disaster,’ concluded Murphy.

Happy St Patrick’s Day Funny E-cards

  • Wishing you barrels of Beer. Wishing you pots of Gold.Wishing you all good luck.Happy St.Patrick’s Day.
  • Paint yourself green and search for the hidden pot of gold. It is St. Patrick’s Day. Have a Happy Feast.
  • Wishing you, Good luck, blessings and happiness, for today and every day. Happy St. Patrick’s Day.
  • May your life be filled with good luck, love and success. Have a great St. Patrick’s feast.
  • May you make more of friends, and no enemies.May you make more money,and lose none.May you get blessed on St. Patrick’s Day with Good Luck galore.
  • May you receive my good wishes. May you receive my warm thoughts.May you receive my prayers for you.May you know that I wish the best for you.Happy St.Patrick’s Day.
  • St. Patrick’s day is not only about wearing green. It is about following his preachings and practicing them in real life. Have a good St. Patrick’s feast.
  • We love green beer and we love to get lucky! HAPPY ST PAT’S DAY!!
  • Wishing you all the luck of the Irish! Happy St Patrick’s Day!
  • If it’s all green it’s all good! Happy St Patrick’s Day.
  • Wishing you a very green and a very lucky St Patrick’s Day! Cheers to that!
  • 1 Guinness, 2 Guinness, …10 Guinness. Happy St Patrick’s Day!
  • To the only day that it’s easy to be green
  • Let’s get green and let’s get lucky!! Happy St Pat’s Day!
  • If you’re not drinking green beer today you’re not Irish. Happy St Pat’s!!
  • Luck comes to those who drink green beer! HAPPY ST PAT’S!



Happy St. Patricks Day All

Get all the information about St Patricks Day and also images, quotes, messages, pictures and much more @ http://happystpatricksdayall.com/