Men VS. Woman! What do They Really Need??

Nina Storm
3 min readFeb 17, 2023


By Happy With Nina

The differences between what a man and a woman need out of a relationship have been the subject of many discussions, debates, and even books. While every person is unique and has their own specific desires and needs in a relationship, research has shown that there are some fundamental differences between men and women when it comes to what they require to feel fulfilled in a relationship.

One of the key differences between what men and women need out of a relationship is communication. Women tend to value communication more than men, and they often require their partners to express their feelings and emotions openly and honestly. Women want to feel heard, understood, and appreciated by their partners, and they want to be able to communicate their own needs and desires as well.

On the other hand, men may not place as much emphasis on communication in a relationship. While they may still value honesty and openness, they may not feel the need to constantly express their emotions or discuss their feelings in depth. Men may be more focused on actions and practical solutions to problems, and they may prefer to express their love through physical touch or acts of service rather than through words.

Another difference between what men and women need out of a relationship is intimacy. While both genders desire intimacy and connection, women often place a higher value on emotional intimacy, while men may prioritize physical intimacy. Women want to feel emotionally connected to their partners, and they often require a strong emotional bond to feel secure and fulfilled in a relationship. Men, on the other hand, may feel more fulfilled through physical intimacy, such as sex or cuddling.

In addition to communication and intimacy, men and women may also have different expectations when it comes to support and validation. Women may need more emotional support and validation from their partners, while men may require more practical support, such as help with household tasks or financial stability. Women may also require more validation and affirmation from their partners, while men may be more focused on achieving their goals and feeling respected in their careers or other pursuits.

While these are just a few of the differences between what men and women need out of a relationship, it’s important to remember that every person is unique and has their own specific desires and needs. It’s important for partners to communicate openly and honestly about their needs and expectations in a relationship, and to work together that is the key. You see, the secret is so simple that most people miss it. The secret to having a beautiful, healthy and long-lasting relationship is there for us to activate at any moment.

The thing is most do not take advantage of it and their relationships end up suffering. Have you ever wondered why is it that other couples live happily, and they last so many years happy together? Well, it's all about the secret. If you want to know the secret and how to activate it send me an email with the subject line “the secret” at

It is vital that we acknowledge the differences between men and women and not look down on them but use them to build a beautiful fulfilling relationship. Come back next time and enjoy my blog so you can also be Happy with Nina.

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Nina Storm

"Happy with Nina" is a blog that empowers individuals to achieve happiness in relationships, finances, and overall well-being. Certified life coach Nina