Hola, My First Impression about Medium!

Hapsoro Bagus
2 min readJun 20, 2018


Hola, First Impression about Medium!
Hello people!, this is my first time I join medium, actually I have my own blog but don’t know why I want to try to write here, seems interesting! Actually, I spoke in 2 languages, my main language is Bahasa Indonesia, and my second language is English, but maybe in this medium, I will write both in Indonesia and English in order to make my readers can read comfortably hehe!

So in this meantime I tried to write my impression about medium, actually I knew medium from my friends, and then I tried to look at his medium, and then I think I need to make one medium account to fullfill my sense of writing in thread twitter hehe, something I have to channeling my desire to write wherever in twitter or my own website, and as I mention above, actually I have my own website and the adress is kisahpetro.blogspot.com, I developed my website by myself, try to code the javascript and do a modification in many section in my blog to make my blog is exciting to my readers hehe

So we back to the track, so in my opinion about my impression about medium, first of all is from the layout, I really love the layout, because the layout is exiciting to watch, simple, and minimalist and I know sometime minimalistics are so boring, but for me medium is not that boring guys, so the layout is the main thing why I love at the first sight to medium, the second thing is from the clean website, it makes me comfort to read and write on this website, and then the last thing why I love medium at the first sight is, the simpliest way to write something useful for the human race, for example, you have an idea then you can try to write it directly to medium, and you can write anything you want except something disturbing like racism and etc. but I know medium has good filtered management to keep what post can be posted and what post that should be deleted because of sensitive things

Then in the last paragraph, I want to make the conclusion about medium, I really love medium at the first sight, the features are so many and wonderful, and also medium know how to treat newbie at the beginning to write in medium, so that’s all from me

All of my writing above are fully my humble opinion, and unaffected by everything its pure from my mind because nobody endorsed me for this post, but if someone wants to endorse me all very welcome to all of the endorsers hehe, Thank you All!



Hapsoro Bagus

Undergraduate Petroleum Engineering Student | Passionate in Geothermal, Oil and Gas Researches | Flag Football Athlete, as Offensive Tackle Bombshells Jakarta