Harald Behnke

Harald Behnke

Web3 🕸️

3 stories

A diagram showing four layers: visual, functional, access, technology
Harald Behnke

Harald Behnke

UX Trends 🔭

14 stories

Steven Spielberg’s movie reminded us of how far AI will bring us. UX/AI designers will remind us of our humanity in the designs of the future (image source: Yeo)
The article’s title is superimposed over an illustration of a female designer working with a futuristic computer and digitally interacting with a humanoid AI assistant.
Geometric design with the text “Bauhaus” on each corner
Harald Behnke

Harald Behnke

Conversational AI 💬

4 stories

Steven Spielberg’s movie reminded us of how far AI will bring us. UX/AI designers will remind us of our humanity in the designs of the future (image source: Yeo)
an image of Caroline’s Otter.ai web browser tool which is alive transcription on parts of her actual article you are reading right now on disability and AI.
Harald Behnke

Harald Behnke

Director CX Industry Strategy EMEA at Oracle. Random thoughts on digitization. Views here are my own.