Matrix AI Network
2 min readMar 20, 2021


The MATRIX Artificial Intelligence Network is basically a game changer in the entire blockchain technology. It’s all about designing proprietary Intelligent Contracts that leverage natural language programming and adaptive deep learning-based templates to auto-code. The ultimate objective is to train AI models to make the technology more accessible and affordable for everyone. Matrix is aiming to advance the practice of AI technology for all and sundry.

It is designed to be the new generation blockchain, MATRIX uses the latest Artificial Intelligence techniques to revolutionize entire blockchain technology. MATRIX is distinguished from previous blockchains projects by offering a unique technology in building Artificial Intelligence enabled autonomous and self-optimizing blockchain networks, which feature multi-chain collaborations. MATRIX also aims to majorly combat and reduce cases of cryptocurrency fraud and theft with reports of such incidences increasing.

MATRIX offers a flexibility that is welcome to Blockchain technology and by the crypto community. MATRIX provides a higher flexibility that affords the dynamic adjustment of parameters as required to adjust to the ever-changing and improving cryptocurrency market needs. The DAO attack has also demonstrated how smart contracts can be exploited and MATRIX has equipped its Blockchain with a powerful AI security engine that can identify bugs and vulnerabilities in smart contracts.


MATRIX’s adaptive deep learning-based templates differ from other early attempts at smart contract templates in their complexity. Other smart contract templates that supported one-click contract generation typically only let users define very basic information such as a token’s name or a token’s total supply. Other high-level functions are typically not supported. This has directly hindered the adoption of smart contracts.

Matrix delivers high-speed transactions by managing the network complexity with a hierarchical approach. The blockchain network built on the MATRIX technology is dynamically clustered into disparate groups of nodes. Each group has a delegate voted by an evaluation function considering both fairness and randomness. The delegate nodes exchange transactions in the P2P network and perform PoW computations. Thereby helping the winner delegate share the PoW reward with nodes within its cluster.

Multi-Chain Scheme with Decoupled Control and Data Chains

A standard MATRIX node is associated with a control chain and at least one data chain. Both chains are operated with the distributed consensus scheme. The control chain is equipped with various AI models and behavioral specifications for data chains. The data chain perform data operations and collaborate with other chains and routers coordinated by the control chain. The introduction of the control chain enable MATRIX blockchain to exchange data and execute contracts with other blockchain.

AI-Based Security Framework

MATRIX offers an overall security framework consisting of four major components which are

I) Rule-based syntactic checking of smart contracts

II) Transaction model identification and security checking through semantic analysis

III) AI-based security checking and formal verification of smart contracts

IV) Deep learning based dynamic verification and security optimization.

Matrix AI Network leverages on the latest AI technology to deliver on the promise of blockchain. Kindly follow us for more information.




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