Best Universal Websites Built With Angular Framework

Hardik Thakker
6 min readJun 27, 2023


Websites Built With Angular Framework

One of the most well-liked web frameworks, Angular, is also an effective JavaScript framework created and maintained by Google. Due to its capacity to create reliable and scalable web applications, it has significantly increased in favor among web developers.

With directives, two-way data flow, dependency injection, and a superb MVC architecture implementation, Angular is a complete solution for front-end development. The ability to build universal applications that can function on both the client and server sides is one of Angular’s unique characteristics.

But here, the most important question is: Who utilizes Angular? With its assets of credentials, Angular has been adopted by multiple leading organizations worldwide. We have included a list of the most well-known websites created with the Angular framework to make it simple.

We’ll examine some of the top universal websites created with the Angular framework in this article, highlighting their capabilities and the advantages of doing so for developing universal websites.

What is Angular Framework?

An integral part of the front-end creation of dynamic web pages is the open-source JavaScript framework known as Angular, which is created and maintained by Google. AngularJS, the original version, underwent a significant makeover, and a new version, Angular 2+ or Angular, was released in 2016.

A popular front-end framework called Angular is used by programmers to build user-driven web applications. Websites built using Angular are feature-rich, responsive, and simple to use. The functionalities provided by Angular make website innovation simple. Technical angular elements that facilitate the speedy development of dynamic web apps include:

  • MVC architecture
  • HTML templates
  • Bidirectional data flow
  • Extendible template language

Best Websites Using Angular Framework

Presenting the Angular website examples that deserve the limelight.

1. Google

Popular website Google was created using the Angular framework. Google frequently creates numerous parent products using the AngularJS frameworks. However, the extraordinary usability and great performance are unknown on a global scale. Google, a well-known global search engine, is also well-known for a variety of other clearly defined goods, including:

  • Google Play Store
  • Google Voice app
  • G Suite homepage
  • Google Open Source
  • Google Play Books
  • Google Arts and Culture

The website is one of the best Angular website examples, aside from those who use it. It is a remarkable illustration of the abilities of Angular and uses technology for humanitarian initiatives.

One may always check the entire list from different sources, though. All of them stand out with their smooth transitions, providing users with a seamless and immersive product experience.

2. Forbes

A well-known international media organization, Forbes, is created with Angular Universal. By improving efficiency and server-side content rendering, the website offers a seamless user experience.

Fast page loading, enhanced search engine optimization (SEO), and social media sharing are all made possible by Angular Universal. The scalability and dependability of Angular for handling massive, content-rich websites are demonstrated by Forbes.


The popular weather forecasting website makes use of Angular Universal’s capacity for universal rendering. uses Angular to give dynamic weather information and interactive maps on a variety of devices. The website achieves quicker load times by rendering pages on the server side, which is essential for providing visitors with real-time weather information.

4. Ticketmaster

To offer an effortless ticket-purchasing experience, Ticketmaster, a top worldwide ticketing platform, uses Angular Universal. Ticketmaster guarantees that tickets and event information are easily accessible to users by pre-rendering material on the server, increasing accessibility and search engine visibility. The component-based architecture of Angular makes it simple for Ticketmaster to create intricate and interactive user experiences.

5. Upwork

UpWork is a prominent platform for linking freelancers with opportunities to undertake projects or engage in business endeavors. With this cutting-edge technology, companies can effortlessly interview, recruit, work with, and even pay freelancers entirely online.

Upwork’s online application leverages Angular to provide capabilities like:

  • In-app calling
  • payment gateways
  • Testing

The robust and high-performing solution required by businesses like UpWork is an Angular website, which boasts an established community of over 18 million users and 5 million registered clients.

These well-known Angular websites draw millions of visitors daily due to their engaging UI/UX and knowledgeable services.

This website provides 108 million visitors worldwide with a positive user experience. To increase the efficiency of their business websites on a broad scale, these leading organizations choose Angular for their business applications.

Why Angular For Website Development Services?

AngularJS is a Complete Frontend Package

The AngularJS framework is a crucial component of the MEAN stack, the free and open-source JavaScript software stack compared to other JS frameworks.

MEAN stack (a JavaScript software stack that is free and open-source)

  • MongoDB
  • Express.JS
  • Angular
  • Node.JS

Two-way Data Binding

The data is immediately updated whenever the View is modified by the Angular developers, and vice versa. The Angular website’s two-way data binding makes it simpler to maintain consistency across all other layers.

MVC Architecture

The application has been divided into three parts in the Model-View-Controller architecture: the model, the view, and the controller. Separating concerns in this architecture makes it simpler to maintain and modify the program.


In addition to controlling DOM (Document Object Model) trees and component libraries, directives allow Angular developers to extend the functionality of HTML components. As a result, the speed and performance of websites are greatly improved, and users are given a positive user experience.

Faster Development

AngularJs is the most suitable option for developing websites with the Angular framework because of its data-binding strategy and condensed MVC. Additionally, it is in charge of accelerating web app development.

Inbuilt CLI

Angular developers can easily start up new web development projects because AngularJS includes a built-in command-line interface (CLI).

Benefits of Angular for Universal Web Development

a. Improved Performance: Because server-side rendering is possible with Angular Universal, load times and performance are accelerated. Users’ page rendering times are quicker, which decreases the amount of time they must wait for content to load.

b. Enhanced SEO: Server-side rendering allows search engines to crawl and index the website’s content better and effectively. Angular Universal delivers better visibility in search engine rankings, resulting in enhanced organic traffic.

c. Better User Experience: Angular-built universal websites provide a consistent user experience across a variety of devices. By rendering pages on the server, the initial content is immediately accessible, resulting in a quicker time-to-content and fewer irate users.

d. Social Media Optimization: The sharing of pre-rendered content on social media networks is made easier by Angular Universal. Through social media platforms, this feature promotes user involvement and raises the website’s visibility.


Web developers may build scalable and high-performing universal websites with the help of Angular Universal. The aforementioned examples show how effective Angular is at producing websites that are quick, easy to use, and optimized for search engines. Angular is an excellent framework for creating universal websites that serve a variety of consumers due to its server-side rendering capabilities and extensive toolkit.

Angular offers the required tools and functionality to build excellent user experiences on both the client and server sides, whether they are being used to build news publications, e-commerce platforms, or ticketing services. One such framework that satisfies all requirements for developing web applications is Angular, and with its help, you can make fully functional AngularJS apps.

Discover websites built with Angular through this comprehensive article. Uncover the wonders of this universal framework as we delve into its intricacies.

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Hardik Thakker

Software Development | CEO at Custom Software Development Company -