Reasons Why Flutter Will Beat React Native

Hardik Thakker
4 min readJun 5, 2023
6 Reasons Why Flutter Will Beat React Native

The two most popular options for developers to create cross-platform mobile apps are Flutter and React Native. Both frameworks provide robust functionality and can quickly create high-performance programmes.

On the other hand, Flutter has recently garnered a lot of momentum and is in a position to surpass React Native.

We will go through six reasons why Flutter will defeat React Native in the race for dominance in the field of cross-platform app development in this blog article.

1. Performance and Speed

Flutter’s superior performance and quickness are among the essential factors in its advantage over React Native. Flutter uses a unique approach called the “skia” engine, which enables it to render UI components directly on the canvas. Due to the lack of a JavaScript bridge, rendering is sped up, and animations are smoother.

On the other hand, React Native uses a bridge to connect JavaScript and the native components, which might result in performance bottlenecks and slower animations. Especially for demanding and sophisticated applications, Flutter benefits from its higher performance.

2. Hot Reload

For developers, Flutter’s hot reload functionality is a game-changer because it enables them to see UI changes immediately. Developers don’t need to recompile or restart the programme to see changes to their code reflected in real-time with the push of a button. This increases productivity and considerably speeds up the development process.

Although “Fast Refresh,” a similar feature in React Native, is available, it is not as quick and effective as Flutter’s rapid reload. Flutter has an advantage over React Native in that iterating quickly and experimenting with UI changes in real-time are both possible.

3. Native-like User Interface

The ability to design native-like user experiences across several platforms is Flutter’s key selling feature. Widgets, which are a unique set of UI elements used by Flutter, have a similar appearance and feel on iOS and Android.

These widgets are immediately drawn on the canvas rather than being mimicked or converted into native components. Because of this, Flutter apps strongly resemble native applications in terms of design and polish.

React Native, on the other hand, relies on native components, which can occasionally result in inconsistent UI design and user experience between platforms. Flutter is a great option for developers looking to create a UI that looks and feels native because of its dedication to platform-specific design rules and its customisable widget system.

4. Single Codebase, Multiple Platforms

The capability of writing code once and deploying it across other platforms is one of the main benefits of cross-platform development. The actual single codebase approach provided by Flutter advances this idea.

The Flutter programming language, Dart, enables developers to create code that can be run on iOS, Android, the web, and even desktop systems. The extensive collection of widgets and components available in Flutter makes it possible to develop consistent user interfaces across various platforms using a single codebase.

In contrast, React Native may also be developed across platforms however, some capabilities call for additional platform-specific code. The unified approach of Flutter to multi-platform development streamlines the procedure and cuts down on the amount of time and effort required.

5. Growing Community and Ecosystem

Since Flutter's release, it has experienced exponential growth in popularity, fostering a thriving developer community on a global scale. The Flutter community is very helpful and active, and it provides a plethora of tools, guides, and packages.

Developers can take advantage of a wide variety of frameworks and plugins in the fast-growing Flutter ecosystem. Because of the robust community backing, developers can solve issues fast and work together successfully.

Despite having a strong community of its own, React Native is unable to match Flutter’s current growth and enthusiasm. The vibrant Flutter community is proof of the platform’s growing power in the cross-platform development space.

6. Backed by Google

One cannot ignore the fact that Google, one of the most important technology corporations in the world, is supporting Flutter. Google’s dedication to Flutter is clear from its regular updates, investments, and active participation in the framework’s development.

The Flutter ecosystem is made more stable, dependable, and long-lasting thanks to Google’s assistance. Additionally, it implies that substantial efforts in research and development will continue to be made in Flutter, assuring its development and expansion.

Unlike Google’s Flutter, React Native is an open-source project maintained by Facebook, thus it might not have the same support and resources.


While React Native has long dominated the cross-platform mobile app development market, Flutter is quickly establishing itself as a serious competitor and is poised to outperform its rival.

Flutter presents a strong value proposition for developers thanks to its improved performance, hot reload capability, native-like user interface, single codebase approach, thriving community, and Google’s support.

It is becoming more and more obvious that Flutter will defeat React Native in the race for cross-platform hegemony as it develops and gains popularity. Flutter should be a real consideration for developers aiming to create high-quality apps quickly.

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Hardik Thakker

Software Development | CEO at Custom Software Development Company -