How To Use Taco Proxy

3 min readJan 8, 2024


What is Taco Proxy?

Taco Proxy is a node.js web proxy for use in combating web filters, which is also a frontend for AlloyProxy. It is a powerful proxy service that allows users to route their internet traffic through a different IP address. This service aims to protect users’ online privacy, ensure secure data transmission, and provide access to geo-restricted content. The Proxy supports both HTTP and SOCKS5 protocols, making it compatible with a wide range of applications.


How To Use Taco Proxy?

Using the Taco Proxy involves a few simple steps, which I will outline below. However, please note that the exact process may vary depending on your specific system setup and the application you’re using with the proxy.

Here’s a general guide on how to use it:

1. For Module Use

Step 1: npm install Alloyproxy

Step 2: Now you should set all of your configs in the main file for the Node app.

Step 3: Then start up your app and unblock a website at /prefix/[BASE64 ENCODED WEBSITE ORIGIN]/. The path of the website does not have to be B64 encoded.

A great example of what code to use is here using the Express.js framework.

2. For Sample Express Application

Step 1: You need to navigate to the /examples/ folder.

Step 2: And Then please do the following commands:

cd examples/express
npm install
npm start

After that, the demo application will run at localhost:8080 by default, but the port can be configured in config.json. The static folder can provide you with the base site if you wish to go manual about this.

3. For Sample Implementation

Now it is time to add this to your server-side script ex. “app.js” as below.

// Note: make sure you use Alloy before any other Express middleware that sends responses to client or handles POST data.
const Alloy = require('alloyproxy'),
http = require('http'),
express = require('express'),
app = express();
const server = http.createServer(app);
const Unblocker = new Alloy({
prefix: '/fetch/',
request: [],
response: [],
injection: true,
// The main part of the proxy.
// WebSocket handler.;

When you finish the steps above, you’ve just completed the installation and basic setting up. Now you can configure it for further steps.

4. Configure Your Device or Application

You’ll need to configure your device or application to use the Proxy. This typically involves entering the proxy server address and port into your device’s or application’s network settings.

For example, if you’re using a web browser, you might go to the browser’s settings, find the network or proxy settings section, and enter the Taco Proxy server address and port there.

If you’re using a specific application with the Proxy, you would go to the application’s settings and find the section where you can enter the proxy information.

5. Connect to Taco Proxy Server

After you’ve configured your device or application, you can connect to the Taco Proxy server. This will route your internet traffic through the proxy server, masking your IP address and helping to protect your online privacy.

6. Start Browsing or Using Your Application

Once you’re connected to the Taco Proxy server, you can start browsing the internet or using your application as you normally would. Your online activity will now be routed through the Taco Proxy server.

Remember, if you’re experiencing any issues or need more detailed instructions, it’s always a good idea to refer to any specific guides or support resources provided by Taco Proxy.

  1. Configure Your Device or Application

You’ll need to configure your device or application to use the Proxy. This typically involves entering the proxy server address and port into your device’s or application’s network settings.

For example, if you’re using a web browser, you might go to the browser’s settings, find the network or proxy settings section, and enter the Taco Proxy server address and port there.


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