What are the key differences between AMOLED and TFT displays?

8 min readJan 30, 2024



In this section of the site, we share useful information about the features of two different generations of the world of displays and display panels, namely AMOLED displays and TFT displays, with you dear users of the site so that you can finally have a better understanding of these two types of panels and displays. popular in the world of computer hardware. In the continuation of the article, we have dealt with topics such as the finer differences between these two types of displays or panels, such as the cost of manufacturing and production of these types of displays and panels in comparison with each other. We also mention the differences between these two displays and panels in terms of battery consumption in various processes in the world of technology. In addition, in the continuation of the article, we will discuss some points about the differences between the two AMOLED and TFT displays and panels in terms of viewing angle, color reproduction, gaming capabilities, as well as refresh rate and response speed that AMOLED and TFT displays support. So, please stay with us until the end of this article.

How do AMOLED and TFT displays compare in terms of gaming performance?

AMOLED and TFT displays have significant differences in gaming capabilities, which we will discuss in this section of the article so that you, dear visitors of the site, can better understand these types of displays. One of the most important features of AMOLED panels is their faster response speed, also AMOLED panels also have a response speed of less than 1 millisecond due to their manufacturing process and the type of pixel arrangement in these types of displays, which makes them perform completely smoothly in different games. Another important feature of AMOLED panels or displays is their high refresh rate, In general, in today’s AMOLED displays, we generally see displays with a refresh rate of 120 Hz, although 90 Hz models can also be found in the smartphone market.

Another important feature of these types of displays that can improve gaming performance and bring more pleasure to the gamer is the ability of AMOLED panels to have high contrast and also display black color, which makes the visual experience of different games in gaming much more attractive. Of course, there are usually still people who do not have much desire to see such visual features in AMOLED displays and prefer displays with natural color quality such as IPS. However, from the point of view of gaming capabilities, AMOLED panels or displays can also have limitations that do not make the use of these types of panels the best choice in gaming, For example, it can be said that the price of AMOLED panels is more expensive than TFT panels and may not be affordable in some gaming smartphones. However, one of the most important manufacturers of AMOLED panels and displays in the world, Samsung, now produces very good economic AMOLED displays and usually uses them in its low-end and mid-range phones.

The performance of TFT panels and displays in gaming can also be acceptable in different conditions and meet the needs of people at ordinary levels, Because it is true that TFT displays do not have the same quality as AMOLED panels from different aspects in general, but depending on the needs of the user, you can find good and affordable displays with this technology for gaming in smartphones. In summary, AMOLED displays have better gaming capabilities than TFT displays in terms of response speed, refresh rate, contrast, and black color reproduction ,However, AMOLED displays are also more expensive than TFT displays. TFT displays can still provide a good gaming experience for people with basic needs.

If you, dear users of the site, are interested in the difference between different computer components, such as you can read this article differences between 60Hz and 144Hz refresh rate on the site.

How do AMOLED and TFT screens differ in their ability to display movies and photos?

AMOLED and TFT displays also have differences in terms of visual capabilities in playing movies and images, In the previous section of this article, we wrote some tips for you in this area, In this section of the article, we will examine this topic in more detail. AMOLED panels produce more vibrant and attractive colors due to features such as deeper and more accurate black color display and high contrast, These features make this type of display practical for watching different movies and images, especially if you use movies with dark areas such as night.

These types of panels and displays, namely AMOLED, have wide color gamuts such as support for sRGB, which makes watching movies and images more attractive for users than TFT displays, Also, due to their refresh rate and fast response speed, this type of display can be a good choice for watching your favorite movies and images. TFT panels and displays also have similar features, However, in general, TFT displays today never reach the quality of AMOLED displays, However, if the user has a budget constraint and is also interested in watching different movies and images, they can meet their needs in a satisfactory way by using TFT displays.

How wide are the viewing angles of AMOLED and TFT displays?

AMOLED and TFT displays also differ in terms of the viewing angle factor, AMOLED displays have a viewing angle of 170 to 180 degrees, which means that when viewing different content such as movies, images, and web browsing, the colors and brightness of the screen do not change much and the content can be viewed from different angles on these types of displays. However, in TFT displays, the viewing angle is between 130 and 150 degrees, which can cause some limitations when viewing content such as movies and images, and the colors may not be seen accurately and the screen brightness may be reduced. Also, in AMOLED displays, because each pixel emits light independently, the quality of color reproduction does not change much with such a viewing angle and different content can be viewed easily from all angles. Of course, it can be said that the limitations of TFT displays and panels today have improved significantly compared to older panels in this regard, but overall they do not reach the quality of AMOLED displays.

Which type of display, AMOLED or TFT, consumes less battery power?

AMOLED and TFT displays also have differences in terms of battery consumption, which we will review some of them in this section of the article. In general, it can be said that AMOLED displays, due to their inherent structure and the separate emission of each pixel to display darker colors such as black, show better performance in battery consumption compared to TFT displays. But if you use more content with a fixed or bright theme on your display, in such a case, the battery consumption of TFT displays and panels is usually less than AMOLED, therefore, in the factor of battery consumption, this factor is directly related to how the user uses it. But in order to examine the battery consumption factor in these two types of displays, it must also depend on other factors such as refresh rate, size and dimensions of the display used, and also the brightness level of that display, Therefore, it can be said that in general, to compare AMOLED and TFT displays in comparison with each other, we must also pay special attention to such factors.

If you, dear users of the site, are interested in the difference between different displays, such as you can read this article key differences between IPS and TN panels on the site.

What is the cost difference between manufacturing AMOLED and TFT panels?

AMOLED and TFT displays have some key differences in terms of price and manufacturing costs, In this section of the site, we will discuss some of these differences in simple language. AMOLED panels and displays generally have higher manufacturing costs than TFT displays, This is because these types of panels and displays use methods and materials that increase the final manufacturing cost, For example, in AMOLED displays, each pixel emits its own light, This requires the use of more expensive organic and mineral compounds than the compounds used in TFT displays. This affects the final cost of these types of panels.Another factor is that AMOLED displays and panels use a type of flexible plastic substrate, This is typically more expensive than the glass substrates used in TFT displays.

Another difference that causes AMOLED displays to have a significantly higher price than TFT displays is the manufacturing process and equipment used in these two types of panels and displays, This is because AMOLED displays use newer and more complex methods, such as vacuum deposition and encapsulation against water and oxygen. This generally increases the manufacturing cost of AMOLED panels compared to TFT, In general, it can be said that AMOLED panels also require more quality control steps than TFT displays to test the final product quality. This also contributes to the increased cost of production and manufacturing of these types of panels and displays, However, in summary, it can be said that due to the growth of technology in the world today, the difference in manufacturing costs between these two types of panels and displays has been reduced to a reasonable extent.


We hope this article has been helpful to you, dear website users, and that you have been able to learn more about the capabilities and practical features of AMOLED and TFT display panels in the world of computer hardware. In general, as you can also see in the text of the article above, the use of both types of AMOLED and TFT display panels in different applications can be helpful to people in different situations and generally has advantages and disadvantages. If you have any other questions about these two types of common displays and panels, please let us know in the comments section of this article.

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Source: https://hardwaredifference.com/

