Act of kindness

Hareem Lutfi
2 min readNov 27, 2021


“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted”

Kindness is a kind of behavior which is the act of generosity, concern or praise.

Kindness can be any thing as small as saying someone kind words, praise someone, help someone, accept someone, showing concern about anything or seeing someone with smile.

Today, at Amal, i got a chance to do few acts of kindness to make other happy and feel satisfied.

1.) Help my friend

Helping someone is the best way to show kindness. My friend texted me that she couldn’t submit her form and there is a last date after two days, so I helped my friend to fill her form and she was so happy and thankful to me.

1.) Try a new recipe for my brother

As i was home this weekend so my brother asked me to try a new recipe for him . So i tried a new recipe and my brother loves it.

3.) See old photo album with family

Now a days, it is hard to sit together with family and make memories. As my mom was feeling nostalgic about our childhood memories , so we watch our family album together and recalls all those happy memories . My parents were super happy to recall all the old memories.

4.) Feed a stray dog

We couldn’t show kindness to human But it can be shown up to animals. I listen the barking of dog outside my house so i gave him food as he was so hungry. This small act of kindness made me so satisfied

5.) Give my friend a homemade gift

Giving gift is also a gesture of kindness. As, one of my friend is getting married and i gifted my friend a homemade nikkah pen , she was so happy to see the gift.

