Data Analysis for non-programmers

Planning on the transition towards Data Analysis? But do you hate programming? Here’s the complete road-map for you.

Hari Prasad
Nerd For Tech
3 min readJun 28, 2020


Photo by Carlos Muza on Unsplash


If you are not a person who is attracted towards coding but to pursue in the data-driven field. Then “Data Analyst” is the right job designation for you.

Now you might ask “What it takes to become a Data analyst?” Here are the super handy skills you must need to master:

  1. MS Excel
  2. Tableau/Power BI
  3. SQL
  4. Interest to explore something new😉

1. MS Excel:

Why and How to learn MS Excel?

You might seem surprised by seeing the word “MS Excel”. You might think that “MS Excel is a tool mastered by even 8th-grade students. You are telling me to learn MS Excel😂”. If your current mind voice is this, I have a task for you. Just flip open your laptop/PC and open MS Excel. Start counting down the terminologies that you cannot understand in MS Excel. Your fingers are not sufficient to count those, right? Yeah! I myself faced the same situation. Don’t feel bad about yourself. It takes a maximum of one-month to master Excel. “Really??!!…”. Yeah! If you have the 4th skill that I mentioned above.

If you know the real power of MS Excel, you would start playing with data using Excel instead of playing video games during your leisure time.

Sources to learn Excel:

2. Tableau vs Power BI:

Tableau and Power BI are the most popular Data visualization tools available.

Tableau, Power BI”- Interesting words to pronounce, right?

Yepp! It is more interesting to work with it…Yeah, I can hear you saying that “Which one did I need to learn? Tableau or Power BI?”

There are many debates to this question. And there is no discrete answer for this. In my perspective, if you’re familiar with Microsoft Office components then try Power BI. If you really need to try new UI, go with Tableau. Because both Power BI and Tableau can perform all the basic actions. Once you are good with one software, try to explore the other.

Sources to learn:

3. SQL:

“ Wait!!! You said no programming is involved. Isn’t SQL a programming language?”

SQL is not a kind of programming language that you have in your mind. It’s way better than that. Literally you find a difference between SQL language and native English.

Let me give an example:

“SELECT name FROM customers”

You can understand the above sentence, right? Congrats!! You have done your first SQL task of selecting the column ‘name’ from the ‘customers’ table.

It’s fun, right?

Source to learn:


Congrats guys!! You have come all the way through here. Just one more step to go ahead. It’s nothing but to apply for a Data Analyst job. All the best !!

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Hari Prasad
Nerd For Tech

MS in Data Science at Columbia University | Curious explorer looking forward to solving business problems as a Data Scientist.