Cosmic Symphony

Harikrishnan Marathayil
5 min readApr 27, 2023


“Love knows no boundaries, whether they be societal norms, cultural differences, or even intergalactic distances. ‘Cosmic Symphony’ is a tale of two individuals from vastly different worlds, united by a love that transcends time and space. It is a story that celebrates the power of love and the beauty of diversity in all its forms.”

Even his closest friends were unaware that Raj was gay because he had never dared to tell them. He believed he would never be able to be himself and was frightened of being rejected by his family and society.

He noticed an odd figure in the distance one evening as he was strolling around the city. It was not a person, he realized as he drew nearer. The guy was dressed in an odd ensemble that appeared to be formed of light, and he had silver hair and piercing green eyes.

“Hello there,” the figure said, his voice soft and gentle.

Raj was surprised. He was unsure of what to think of someone he had never seen before.

The figure said, offering his hand, “I’m Prince Zephyr Nova, a Premarin from the planet Nova Prime, and I’m seeking sanctuary for my people here. We’re escaping from Necroths, cosmic genocidal maniacs that want to exterminate our entire race.”

Zephyr’s tale captivated Raj, and he felt himself pulled to him. They conversed for hours on end, discussing everything from the purpose of life to their favorite hobbies.

As the night wore on, they found themselves standing on the rooftop of a tall building, looking out over the city. Raj had never felt more vibrant or liberated. In a manner that he had never been able to be around anybody else, he was able to be who he truly was around Zephyr.

Raj replied, peering into Zephyr’s eyes, “You’re different from anyone I’ve ever met.”

Zephyr grins. “Raj, you’re different too. You have a lovely soul and a compassionate heart.

Raj experienced a burst of energy as they stood there, looking out over the city. It seems as though he had a connection to Zephyr that extended beyond their shared physical space.

Zephyr took Raj’s hand, “I have something to show you,” he said.

They took to the air, soaring like birds over the city. Raj had never felt more vibrant or liberated. It was as though he was dreaming.

Zephyr put his palm on Raj’s forehead as they landed back on the rooftop. Raj experienced Zephyr’s thoughts and feelings as if they were his own all of a sudden. Raj had never felt anything like it before; it was a profound sense of intimacy and connection.

Raj sucked in a long breath and said, “I have something to tell you. “I’m gay.”

Zephyr grins. “I know,” he replied. “And I love you just the way you are. Raj, “Love knows no bounds.”

Zephyr’s comments touched Raj, and he saw relief in his shoulders. He felt like he could be himself around someone else for the first time in his life.

Raj experienced a sense of calm and serenity he had never experienced before as they stood on the rooftop and gazed up at the sky. He was confident that he had finally met someone who respected and appreciated him for who he was.

Raj and Zephyr spent every moment together over the following few days. They went on walks throughout the city, watched films, and had long conversations about everything.

Raj turned to Zephyr one evening as they lay on the rooftop and gazed up at the stars and said, “I think I’m in love with you.”

Zephyr grins. “Raj, I believe I’m in love with you too.”

When they kissed, Raj felt like his heart was exploding with fireworks. Never before had he experienced such a sense of vitality and intimacy.

Raj noticed that he was falling more and more in love with Zephyr as their connection developed. He was astounded by Zephyr’s telekinetic and telepathic power., Zephyr was impressed by Raj’s piloting skills and how easily he can fly their alien ships. They spent hours testing their combined talents.

One day, Zephyr came to Raj with a grave expression on his face. He said, “I have to go. “I must help my people. The Necroths are after us and they must be defeated.

Raj was inconsolable. The idea of losing Zephyr and being alone once more was unbearable to him.

Then Zephyr said, “But I want you to come with me. You could help us fight this battle. And we could live together for all time.

Raj struggled. More than anything, he adored Zephyr, but he wasn’t sure if he was prepared to travel and leave everything behind. Raj remarked, “I need some time to think.” I’m not sure if I’m prepared for this.

Zephyr gave a nod. He replied, “I get it. “Take as much time as you require. However, be certain that I’ll always be there for you.

Over the next few days, Raj struggled with his decision. He talked to his friends and family, trying to gauge their reaction to him coming out. Some were supportive, but others were not. He knew that if he left with Zephyr, he would be leaving behind everything he had ever known.

He finally came to a decision one night while sitting on the rooftop and gazing up at the stars. To battle alongside Zephyr and his people, along with being with the person he loved. he decided to leave everything he has and loved so he can be

with Zephyr.

He found Zephyr and told him about his decision. Zephyr was overjoyed, and they hugged like it is their first and last chance to be I each other’s arms.

Together, they left for Nova Prime and traveled through space. They rehearsed their combat skills together before joining Zephyr’s group in the fight against the Necroths .

Raj was unfazed by the difficult and dangerous journey and was sure of his line of action. It was unlike anything he had ever felt to feel so lively and liberated.

The war was finally concluded after many months of battling. Zephyr’s people triumphed and prevented the annihilation of their race.

Raj and Zephyr were celebrated as heroes and granted a special position in creating a new society. They were happy living together in a lovely house with all of Zephyr’s family.

I’m glad I chose to come with you, Raj said to Zephyr as they sat on the rooftop together and gazed at the sky. Without you, I find it impossible to fathom my life.

Zephyr grins. “I share your sentiments, Raj. You are my love and soul mate.

When they kissed, it appeared as though time had stopped. With Zephyr by his side, Raj was confident that he had found his true home.

In a world beyond Raj’s wildest imagination, one in which anything was possible where love knew no bounds, they went on to live a happy life.



Harikrishnan Marathayil

Freelance writer who loves writing short stories, articles and flash fiction. Here I focus on queer experience . For hire :