A different look at Dark Matter and Dark Energy

Hari Kumar
5 min readNov 26, 2014

Some new ideas that try to look at this in a more holistic manner

A different look at Dark Matter and Dark Energy

Some new ideas that try to look at this in a more holistic manner.

Interesting article on a topic that has been discussed ad nauseum. Evidently ‘Dark Matter’ is just a placeholder term coined by scientists to denote something they know exists (through only its gravitational influence) but have not yet observed despite their best efforts.

Perhaps we must adopt new methods in the search for Dark Matter and look at the evidence (or rather, the “scene of the crime”) like a detective rather than a scientist and infer a “psychological profile” (properties) of our “culprit”.

I think we have not been paying enough attention to what we already know about Dark Matter and drawing logical conclusions based on that.

So what exactly do we know?

We know for a fact that:

1. There must be at least 5 times as much of dark matter as normal matter. This has been deduced through anomalies in galaxy rotation curves, gravitational lensing etc. So there is no question that something that accounts for these anomalies exist. And we have decided to call this “something” as “Dark Matter” for want of a better term.

2. Despite building some of the most sensitive detectors ever made, such as the LUX detector, no trace of any Dark Matter has been found on Earth, or in our solar system (through any observed anomalies in planetary motion). If it is 5 times as abundant as normal matter, we should have found it by now. Our Sun and every planet in our solar system, including the Earth would be like snowballs building up a shell of Dark Matter around them as they traverse the Milky Way. That is, if Dark Matter and normal matter were gravitationally attractive. A scientist tried to explain to me that this was so because dark matter “does not interact/decay strong enough to allow for a detection”. He explained further that the distribution density of dark matter is too “tiny” and has no “pressure”. Bear in mind, these are merely wild assumptions of this scientist (and maybe, his tribe). He has no idea what kind of matter would have this strange property of exerting such strong gravitational effects to speed up the rotation of stars at the periphery of galaxies, yet this strong gravitational effect does not allow it to clump up or compactify like normal matter. He has no clue what the Physics of such a weird thing would be like. To me, the most logical explanation to why they haven’t found Dark Matter in the vicinity of the Earth and within our solar system, is simply because there is no Dark Matter around here!

3. As mentioned in your article, scientists are certain that halos around galaxies (including our own) are replete with Dark Matter, because they have observed its influence in those regions. However, not a trace has been found in the insides, at least in the orbit of our solar system around our galactic center (see point 2). So what does that tell you about Dark Matter? That DM has a tendency to collect at the peripheries of galaxies but not in the insides, in the vicinities of the continuously churning clusters of normal matter (stars, planets etc.). How do you explain this strange tendency? That perhaps, just perhaps, Dark Matter is somehow gravitationally repulsive with normal matter? I have noticed that scientists generally do not like the idea of gravitational repulsion, although theoretically there is no reason to believe that such a repulsive manifestation of gravity is not possible. If Dark Matter (DM) were gravitationally repulsive with normal matter, it would perfectly explain the build-up of DM at the peripheries (at gravitationally neutral regions) of galaxies, such as the halo. How, over time, with the churning of stars and planets around galaxies, DM is “bled out” to collect at the galactic peripheries.

4. This repulsive gravity of dark matter also would explain a host of other deduced and observed phenomenon. Such as (a) Why DM cannot be compactified (their very low distribution density or low “pressure”). (b) Galaxy rotation curves. DM in the galactic peripheries would exert a soft repulsive force, speeding up the stars in the outer peripheries. Somewhat like the greater banking angles in roads, necessary at the outer end of turns to allow for greater speeds. (c) This latest finding, which indicates that dark matter is slowly being converted to dark energy. Now Dark Energy, is also another placeholder term to denote the mysterious energy hypothesized as behind the observed accelerated expansion. Scientists know nothing more of it other than it being clearly repulsive in nature, pushing galaxies further and further apart. If you consider Dark Matter as gravitationally repulsive, there is no need for another ‘Dark Energy’ since the gradual accumulation of Dark Matter in the peripheries and intergalactic spaces would explain both the conversion of Dark Matter to Dark Energy as well as the observed accelerated expansion. (d) Observation of voids and super voids as large scale accumulations of DM. (e) Why the Big Bang did not collapse in on itself due to the enormous gravitational force that must have been present at the Bang. Of course, there is this explanation that Space itself expanded at superluminal speeds during the first moments. But I doubt any scientist with a really critical mind truly believes in that ridiculous theory. But if 5 times more abundant “Dark Matter” with its repulsive force pushing out normal matter, it would not only have prevented the collapse, it would also have fueled the exponential expansion. Dark Matter would have been the TNT of that Big Bang! (f) Gravitational lensing can be explained by the layering of Dark Matter of varying sizes around galaxies (the larger ones expelled earlier and hence at the outer limits and the smaller ones closer to the periphery).

Now what is this Dark Matter? Why does it gravitationally repel normal matter? Why is it not observable except through its gravitational effects? Now General Theory of Relativity explains gravity as the negative curvature of Space-Time. That is, all matter within our universe would exert a negative curvature (like a valley) to the Space-Time around it. But if there were matter not “of” this Universe but “in” (bounded on all sides) this Universe, this matter would exert a positive curvature (like a hill) in Space-Time. They would be “perforations” in Space-Time itself and could even be extradimensional. DM is somewhat like the froth of Space-Time. And due to the positive curvature these Perforations cause on the surrounding Space-Time, they would cause a repulsive gravitational effect on normal matter in our universe. Since the matter in these Space-Time perforations are not “of” this universe, they will not be visible or interact with normal matter in any way except through the repulsive gravitation that leaks through. In a sense we can experience them only as a soft repulsive gravitational field.

For further reading:




