Hariom Mishra
2 min readJan 5, 2024
How to save File in Linux..

In Linux, you can save a file using various text editors and commands. Here are some common methods:

Using Text Editors:
Using Nano:

Open a terminal and type:
code -
nano filename.txt
Write your content in the nano editor.
To save the file, press Ctrl + O (to write out).
Press Enter to confirm the filename.
Exit nano by pressing Ctrl + X.
Using Vim:

Open a terminal and type:
code -
vim filename.txt
Press i to enter insert mode and write your content.
To save the file, press Esc to exit insert mode, then type :w and press Enter.
Exit Vim by typing :q and pressing Enter.
Using Emacs:

Open a terminal and type:
code -
emacs filename.txt
Write your content in the Emacs editor.
To save the file, press Ctrl + X, then Ctrl + S.
Exit Emacs by pressing Ctrl + X, then Ctrl + C.
Using Commands:
Using Redirect Operator (>):

To create or overwrite a file:
code -
echo "Your content" > filename.txt
Using Text Editors (Non-Interactive):

For quick edits, you can use a one-liner with a text editor:
code -
echo "Your content" | nano filename.txt
Using Touch Command:

To create an empty file:

code -
touch filename.txt
Using Echo Command:

To append text to an existing file:
code -
echo "More content" >> filename.txt
Remember to replace filename.txt with your desired filename. Choose the method that fits your preference and workflow.

Thank you…