Which industry is best for email marketing?

Hari Priyadharshan
5 min readDec 7, 2022


In essence, email marketing is used to offer educational content and advertise items. Emails have helped to spread the word about your items to about 72% of users.

Businesses use email marketing to send out a lot of emails every day on deals and other topics. Some businesses might divulge big savings, the newest blog posts, etc. There are a few different email types, and we can tell them apart because it is clear that each one serves a particular purpose. Not every email fits neatly into one category. For instance, some marketers choose to categorize emails into value-based or non-value-based groups, while others go for prior or non-transactional groups, creating emails for notifications, gratitude, etc.

The greatest email marketing solutions are offered by several sectors, but they are pricey and difficult to use. As a result, artificial intelligence is used in your email marketing. Among other things, we can use it to classify your clients and send them automated responses. Many people experience terror due to one issue. There is no need to worry about how to use this software because they also provide blog posts on how to utilize, employ, and more.

A Getresponse would be preferable.

In email marketing, GetResponse is exceptional. The email marketing and marketing automation software is user-friendly. They provide a simple method for creating and sending email marketing messages. You may automate email responses with this state-of-the-art email marketing solution to increase user engagement. Autoresponders can be configured to perform a variety of tasks, including sending new subscribers a quick confirmation email, offering discounts and other promotional materials, and more.

1. Affordable

Let’s start with the most crucial factor, the price of getresponse email marketing.

You only need an email list, a simple strategy, and an email newsletter software provider to run successful email campaigns.GetResponse and other knowledgeable email service providers offer a variety of packages depending on the size of your email list (number of subscribers.)

For instance, the GetResponse Free plan offers free access to many essential tools, such as landing pages, forms, and pop-ups, as well as email marketing, for the first 500 contacts.

You’ll notice that some marketing tools are more cost-effective than others, as is the case with the bulk of marketing-related products. Most of the time, this has to do with both the extent of the feature set on the platform and the target market.

2. General command

Your email marketing communication is (nearly) entirely in your control.

You control the organization and content of your marketing emails. Since email is a direct marketing tactic, you can be sure that only the intended audience will see your message.

Only the deliverability of your emails is completely out of your control, but as long as you follow email marketing best practices and successfully engage your audience, you won’t have to worry about them not reaching the mailbox.

It’s important to keep in mind that, according to the Return Path Deliverability Benchmark report, 83% of emails are typically delivered to inboxes worldwide.


It is one of the main advantages of email marketing. Unlike other marketing channels, email marketing focuses on people you already know because you have their contact information on your contact list. You may start with the fundamentals and then focus on particular demographics like prospective subscribers, current clients, or your most devoted consumers.

You can focus on particular email addresses that clicked on your call to action or visited your website but didn’t convert when you want to dig deeper into the analytical dashboards that are available.

If you want to take things a step further, you may conduct A/B testing to determine whether specific components of your email campaign, such as the subject line, call to action, and offer, boost sales. and which ones deter customers from your primary goal.

Check out this guide on email marketing.

4. Relevance

It’s easy to create an email marketing campaign. You may select your target market, create email templates using simple drag-and-drop editors, and create campaigns in just a few seconds. And if the design isn’t your thing, you may quickly create your first email marketing campaign by using pre-made templates.

5. Contacting users of mobile devices

On mobile devices, email opening and clickthrough rates are increasing. 45.97% of all email clicks, as determined by our Email Marketing Benchmarks analysis, are conducted on mobile devices.

This implies that you may get in touch with your clients and affect their purchasing decisions no matter where they are. Additionally, since most prebuilt email templates are created to look well on a variety of devices independently, you don’t even need to worry about your mobile audience.

6. Simple to measure outcomes

By integrating the software with web analytics tools like Google Analytics, you can have complete control over your email marketing campaigns. You may immediately ascertain which email, subject line, or call to action button garnered the best responses by including UTM parameters in your emails.

You may regulate how well each individual email performs in the statistics tab of your email marketing software before tracking user behaviour on your website. You may calculate the ROI, keep track of conversions, and establish goals for particular email campaigns.

7. Email can be scaled.

You can automate several aspects of your communication by using email marketing tools.

Using straightforward drag-and-drop editors and prebuilt scenarios, you can send welcome emails, post-purchase surveys, cart abandonment win-back efforts, and many other types of campaigns. By improving audience engagement and providing them with more prompt and accurate services, you eventually save time.

8. Pricing

Depending on the size of the list, the cost per month might be as little as $19 for unlimited messages to up to 1,000 subscribers. The Pricing page contains all the details.

You can save 18% on a 12-month plan or 30% on a 24-month plan with the discounts we provide. Additionally, we will give you a 10% discount if you finish the Get Started Checklist. Visit this page for further details and to apply for registered non-profit organizations’ discounted rates, which can save you up to 50%. For lists with more than 100,000 subscribers, custom solutions are available. Right here, you may place your order.

Establish a free account Getresponse

Hope it’s helpful. I’m appreciative.



Hari Priyadharshan

I'm a proficient content developer and digital marketer. graduated in digital marketing diplomacy and English literature. A SEM and SMM adept