Stored Procedures in PostgreSQL

3 min read1 day ago


Contents :

  • Stored Procedures in PostgreSQL
  • Advantages of stored procedures
  • Disadvantages of stored procedures
  • View in SQL

Stored Procedures in PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL allows the user to extend the database functionality with the help of user-defined function and stored procedures through various procedural languages elements , which are often referred to as stored procedure. The Store procedures also add many procedural features. e.g. , Control structure and complex calculation. These allow you to develop custom function much easier and more effective.

It is possible to call a procedural code block using the Do command without defining a function or stored procedure

PostgreSQL categorizes the procedural languages into two main groups :

  1. Safe language can be used by any users. SQL and PL/ PGSQL are safe language
  2. Sand-boxed language are only used by superuser because sand-boxed language provide the capability to bypass security and allow access to external sources. C is an example of a sandboxed language. By default , PostgreSQL supports three procedural languages : SQL , PL / PGSQL and C . You can also load other procedural language e.g , perl , python and TCL into PostgreSQL using extensions.

Advantages of using PostgreSQL Stored Procedures :

The Stored Procedures bring many advantages as follows :

  1. Reduce the number of rounds trips between application and database servers. All SQL statement are wrapped inside a function stored in the PostgreSQL database server so the application only has to issue a function stored in call to get the result back instead of sending multiple SQL statement and wait for the result between each call.
  2. Increase application performance because the user-defined function and stored procedures are pre-complied and stored in the PostgreSQL database server
  3. Reusable in many application. Once you develop a function , you can reuse it in any application

Disadvantages of using PostgreSQL Stored Procedures :

  1. Slowness in software development because stored procedure programming requires specialized skills that many developers do not passes.
  2. Difficult to manage version and hard to debug .
  3. Many not be portable to other database management system , e.g , MySQL or Microsoft SQL server .

View in SQL

  • Views in SQL are virtual table. A view also certain rowsand columns
  • To create the view , we can select the fields from one or more table present in the database.
  • A view can either have specific rows based on certain condition or all the rows of a table.
  • Views restrict access to the data because the view can display selective columns and rows from the table.
  • View provide groups of user with access to data according to their particular permission.
  • Views can be used to retrieve data from several tables , providing data independence for user.

Syntax :

CREATE VIEW view_name AS

SELECT column1 , column2 ,…

FROM table_name

WHERE condition ;

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Visit for

  1. Basic Concepts of PostgreSQL :

