Qwik: The Future of Web Development — Blazing Fast and Instant Interactivity

Harish Bisht
4 min readJan 4, 2024


In the age of web performance, every millisecond counts. Users crave instant reactions, smooth interactions, and lightning-fast loading times. Enter Qwik, a revolutionary web framework making waves with its unique approach to delivering seamless user experiences.

Qwik’s Secret Weapon: Resumability

Forget about hefty JavaScript payloads and sluggish hydration delays. Qwik embraces resumability, a paradigm shift where your application starts rendering on the server and seamlessly picks up its execution on the client browser. This means no waiting for bloated JS to download and hydrate the UI. The result? Instant user interaction, regardless of your application’s size or complexity.

Benefits beyond compare:

  • Lightning-fast initial load: Qwik applications bootstrap with a mere 1kb of JS, resulting in page loads so fast, users don’t even have time to say “loading.”
  • SEO goldmine: Search engines love fast websites, and Qwik delivers. Instant interactivity translates to better engagement metrics, boosting your search ranking and organic traffic.
  • Unrivaled responsiveness: Say goodbye to sluggish interactions and hello to snappy, responsive experiences, even on low-bandwidth connections.
  • Edge-ready champion: Qwik thrives in edge environments, delivering optimal performance for users across the globe.

But how does this sorcery work?

Qwik weaves its magic through a symphony of innovative techniques:

  • Server-side Rendering: Initial HTML is pre-rendered on the server, providing users with immediate content and functionality. Think of it as a delicious appetizer while the main course (client-side rendering) prepares.
  • Reactive Signals: Data changes automatically trigger updates, eliminating the need for complex state management libraries. Your code stays clean and elegant, while your UI dances to the rhythm of your data.
  • Partial Hydration: Only essential parts of the application are hydrated on the client, keeping the JavaScript footprint minimal. No need to drag along unnecessary baggage, let your app travel light!
  • Smart Lazy Loading: Resources are loaded only when needed, further reducing latency and making your user experience feel snappier than a well-oiled Swiss watch.

Getting started with Qwik: Easier than baking a cake (well, almost)

Don’t let the innovative technology intimidate you. Qwik’s syntax resembles React, making it familiar for existing web developers. Here’s a quintessential Qwik component, showcasing its simplicity:

Project Structure

A typical Qwik project looks like this


import { component$, useSignal } from "@builder.io/qwik";
let count = 0;function Counter() {
const [value, setValue] = useSignal(count);
return (
<button onClick={() => setValue(value + 1)}>Increment</button>
export default component$(Counter)

This component displays a counter and increments its value on click. The useSignal hook manages the state, and the JSX syntax feels incredibly familiar for React developers. It's like putting on a comfortable old sweater in a new and exciting way.

Beyond the basics: Unveiling Qwik’s power

Here are more code samples to illustrate Qwik’s capabilities:

1. Routing with Qwik:

import { route$, Link } from "@builder.io/qwik";
function Home() {
return <h1>Welcome Home!</h1>;
function About() {
return <h1>About Us</h1>;
export default route$(
{ path: "/", component: Home },
{ path: "/about", component: About }

2. Data Fetching with SWR:

import { useSignal } from "@builder.io/qwik";
import useSWR from "swr";
function Posts() {
const [posts, setPosts] = useSignal([]);
const fetcher = () => fetch("/api/posts").then((res) => res.json());
const { data, error } = useSWR(fetcher, { suspense: true });
if (error) return <div>Error fetching posts</div>;
if (!data) return <div>Loading posts...</div>;
return (
{data.map((post) => (
<li key={post.id}>{post.title}</li>

3. Forms with Qwik:

import { useStore } from "@builder.io/qwik";
function ContactForm() {
const [formData, setFormData] = useStore({
name: "",
email: "",
message: "",
const [isSubmitting, setIsSubmitting] = useStore(false);
const handleSubmit = async (event) => {
try {
// Send form data to the server
await fetch("/api/contact", {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify(formData),
// Clear form and show success message
setFormData({ name: "", email: "", message: "" });
alert("Message sent successfully!");
} catch (error) {
// Handle errors
alert("Error sending message: " + error.message);
} finally {
return (
// Form JSX with input fields, submit button, and loading state handling

4. Lazy Loading with Qwik:

import { lazy } from "@builder.io/qwik";
const ProductsList = lazy(() => import("./ProductsList"));
function Home() {
return (
<h1>Welcome to our store!</h1>
<ProductsList /> {/* ProductsList will be lazy-loaded */}

5. Server-Side Rendering (SSR) with Qwik:

// Server-side entry point (e.g., app.server.tsx)
import { renderToString } from "@builder.io/qwik/server";
import App from "./App";
const html = renderToString(<App />);
// Send the rendered HTML to the client

6. Using a Data Fetching Library (Apollo):

import { useQuery } from "@apollo/client";
import { GET_POSTS } from "./graphql/queries";
function Posts() {
const { loading, error, data } = useQuery(GET_POSTS);
// ... handle loading, error, and render posts

Qwik’s capabilities extend far beyond basic components. Explore its rich world of features:

  • Routing with superpowers: Forget clunky routing solutions. Qwik’s built-in router is lightning-fast and SEO-friendly, seamlessly transporting users through your application.
  • Data fetching made delightful: Integrate with popular data fetching libraries like Apollo or SWR with ease, bringing the joy of managing your application’s data to a whole new level.
  • SSR without the headache: Server-side rendering becomes a walk in the park with Qwik’s intuitive approach. Enjoy the SEO benefits without wrestling with complex configurations.
  • Components that shine: Build reusable components that are performant, easy to maintain, and a joy to work with. Your code will thank you later.

The future is Qwik: Join the revolution

Qwik is still young, but its future is bright. Its unique approach to building fast and responsive web applications is attracting developers and companies worldwide. If you’re looking for a framework that prioritizes user experience, performance, and developer happiness, Qwik is your answer.

Get your hands dirty:

