How AI Can Revolutionize Recruitment?

Claire D. Costa
6 min readMay 22, 2019

Artificial intelligence (AI) is trembling up the recruiting method, altering the way recruiting agencies and sources find out and hire tech aptitude.

AI and machine knowledge allow professionals to rapidly analyze enormous amounts of data and make decisions and predictions based on that. Now, recruiters and headhunters are putting AI to work to help characterize a job posting’s “ideal fit,” get connected with vetted and pre-screened talent from search pools, and develop their ability to fill job openings quick.

There’s a profound human fascination with the thought of artificial intelligence.

From Arnold Schwarzenegger’s well-known “I’ll be back” in Terminator, to the renowned Japanese robot hotel, deep down, the inspiration of creating a piece of equipment that functions like a human gets us going.

It’s not all excellent though, a quick Google search shows you what we’re worried about — losing our jobs and robot overlords!

Abundance has been on paper about the possible impact of artificial intelligence and automation on the job market. As an alternative to throwing our hat in the ring here, we wanted to talk about a different area.

What Does Artificial Intelligence Mean for Recruiting?



Claire D. Costa

Content Crafter at Digitalogy which helps high growth businesses to connect with the top 5% of pre-screened software talent within 48 hours.