Have Fun outside Work at least 4 times a Month

2 min readNov 20, 2018


Weekend Trips from Bangalore

Bangalore is a city which is known for the residence of multi cultural people of the Indian society. Not only have people from many a State in the country found shelter in this beautiful Garden City but they are also known to be belonging to various castes, religions, color and creed. Why, even foreigners have found this city to be welcoming to them for finding a home here!

Now why would a place have people from so many cultures accommodated within its limits? Job opportunities are one of the major reasons for the same of course! Bangalore is popular for the various industries established within its boundaries. This calls for the availability of many an employment opportunity as well. Hence this location has seen many such people movements in the last many decades.

Need for Relaxation for people

The hectic routine of life in Bangalore starts everyday for the office goers with the travel to the workplace through heavy traffic jams. The distance which can easily be covered without any such hindrances in a half hour time usually takes about an hour or more through such traffic problems. Riding or driving through the same tires up the employees already before reaching work.

Work pressure at the office to meet unreasonable goals for the month brings about stress in the life of anyone working. This is not only applicable to the employed but also to homemakers who spend each minute of their day to keep their family happy and satisfied through various kinds of household chores. Everyone should go for trips from Bangalore at least during the weekends to become refreshed for the next week.

Weekend Trips from Bangalore are a necessity

As much as relaxation is necessary for everyone in the world of today, so is the need to spend time with family and friends in the most appropriate way and for the right amount of time. Weekend trips from Bangalore are a great idea for people living in this part of the country to enjoy a holiday without any pressure from work. There are several such spots closer to this city which would include resorts, heritage monuments, dams, waterfalls, jungle safari, etc.

