Living in the Era Of Upgrades

Harith Bakri
2 min readApr 30, 2019


I watched Matt D’Avella video that shares a video called Era Of Upgrades.

Matt D’Avella is known as a Youtuber who shares about self-development, and self-improvement and most importantly he is synonymously known as a ‘Minimalist’.

According to the video, we see ourselves as technologies thriving on introducing new features and upgrading products.

That took a hit on me.

As big companies introduce new colours, new features and come up with innovative ideas. When people upgrade new iPhones or new sneakers, that increases their social status.

But what about us? as in ourselves.

We are constantly pursuing upgrading new phones, new laptops, new clothes, and new travel destinations. It’s the dopamine that gets us to be addicted to these new temporary moments of happiness.

But the main factor is, do we constantly in pursuit of getting ourselves to improve ourselves in changing new associations, drop some bad habits, try some new positive hobbies and others?

The experience of constantly pushing ourselves to be better than yesterday is should be the ultimate end goal for the purpose in life. That’s worth the shot in life.

The adversities of getting out of the comfort zone seem to be painful but what about we have to endure the punishment of lifetime regret by not pushing ourselves to the limit?

Humans naturally evolved by extending their limits.

Let’s look at the major example.

Back in 1891, A sprinter named Luther Cary of running 100-meter dash with a time of 10.8 seconds in Paris, France. That was the fastest record and people at that time would’ve considered him the fastest runner in the world.

Fast Forward to more than a century later, we’ve witnessed that Usain Bolt broke an Olympic record with a time of 9.63 seconds.

Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. But the most significant factor of all, are we gonna surrender ourselves to our shortcomings and not harness our strengths to just settle for mediocrity for a lifetime?

