My Current Journey As A Generasi Gigih Intermediate-Phase Participant (Part 1)

Harits Hammam
3 min readJul 18, 2021


The main content starts in the 4th paragraph.

Being productive digitally


It’s been two weeks since I participate as a Frontend Engineering Path of Generasi Gigih Intermediate Phase — that’s quite long — participant by Yayasan Anak Bangsa Bisa, a non-profit organization founded by Indonesia’s decacorn startup, GOJEK.

My intention to write this article is to share what I’ve been through and what I experienced during the second week of this phase, and this article is also a weekly assignment given to the participant, so yeah I have to write it to get points lol.

This is actually the first time I ever write in Medium, and finally, I’ve graduated from the Medium Silent Reader title, yaay. I’ll write this article with QnA writing style and let me say this one classic sentence that is often said by non-native English speakers. I’m sorry if my English is bad wkwk.

Q1: How much did you know about the subject before it started?

In technical class, up until the Friday session, I had learned the material like two months ago, which is React’s JSX, props, conditional rendering, and lists. So I think all the materials from this week’s classes refresh my memory about what I had learned. Because of it, I was also able to debug my code easily and helped my peer’s code problems when we were working on an exercise in the Zoom breakout session together.

The same goes with English class, it also refreshes what I had learned years ago about the theory.

Q2: How do you feel about your work this week (homework, assignment)? What parts do you particularly like? Dislike? Why? What did/do you enjoy about this piece or work?

I think the homework is pretty easy so far, it just repeats what was taught in the Zoom class. As for the exercise in the breakout session, the difficulty changes from the previous week — that was called hands-out which was pretty challenging — into somehow easier in my case.

I really enjoy doing both the homework and the exercise, but I think I enjoy doing the exercise more. It’s because we were assigned into a group, and then in one case, each of us tried to do the exercise on our own, and then we ask each other if there’s a problem and then solve it together. In another case, one of us volunteered to share the screen to do the work, and then the rest of us watched the process and helped if there’s a problem.

So basically I like doing the exercise more because of the sense of togetherness, and also because I talk to new friends that have the same interest as me. But so far I don’t have any issues working alone on the homework assignment.

Q3: How can you use this knowledge in future work?

Other than the technical knowledge that I obtained, I think the most important thing that I’ve learned is to become a more speak-up person about my opinion and ideas, and I feel that my public speaking skill has increased proved by the way I speak as one of the speakers in my campus’s seminar a day before I write this article. My sentence became clearer, and I also have the courage to criticize the committee regarding the rundown that they’ve made — which I think I won’t ever do before joining this program.

In technical knowledge, I’d like to build more projects with React, thus I can make more portfolios to apply for jobs or freelance projects. I also think that maybe I can provide solutions if my colleagues have problems with their React projects. I think contributing to an open-source project is not a bad idea, but I need to build my confidence first by making more portfolios.

Besides that, I think when we are confident utilizing a framework/library, it will be easier to learn another tools, but of course, we need to master the basics first.

I think that’s what I can share in this article for now, and Insyaallah I will post another article in the future about my journey in the Generasi Gigih Intermediate-Phase program.

