The Quick Guide to Family Photo Poses | Hark Nijjer Photography

Hark Nijjar Photography
5 min readSep 12, 2022


You can search the Internet for “family portrait studio pose” to find beautiful photos of happy families dressed in perfect attires.

Family portrait photography can be less magical and more stressful than it seems. The reality of family portrait photography is often less magical than it seems. Parents are stressed, children are tired, and the dog is always looking at the camera.

family portrait studio pose

Do you find this familiar?

We are here to help! Continue reading…

“Stroll. Stand. Sit.”

It’s not posing for family photos. That is the best! These beautiful poses are recreations of real-life interactions. It is easy to remember: walk, stand, and sit.

This series works no matter where or with whom you are shooting. This series is a simple way to capture portraiture in small and large groups of any age.

You’ll find our top tips and bonus poses within each Stroll, Stand, or Sit category.

The Rule of 6: Take six photos for every pose

  • Full-length landscape (horizontal).
  • full-length portrait (vertical)
  • Mid-length landscape
  • mid-length portrait
  • Close-up of landscape
  • close-up portrait

This will increase your client’s options when choosing the photos they want to print after their photo shoot.

Stroll poses

Photographing families is best done by walking (or strolling) poses.

Why? It helps to burn nervous energy and prevents young people from becoming bored too quickly.

#1: “One, two, three, jump!”

This pose is perfect for mobile children! The family should take three steps, then pause. This will allow the child to jump in the air while the parents smile. Do not tell parents to swing or lift their children with their hands. This can cause injury to their developing shoulders.

#2: Run ahead

This pose is great for mobile children! The parents should walk slowly and invite the children to join them. This portrait can be posed gently to show great depth of field.

#3: Talk and walk

This pose is great for families with teens, tweens and babies! If they aren’t interested in the whole photo, you can direct them to walk side-by-side. Encourage them to “Look anywhere but me!”

#4: Piggyback rides

Enjoy a fun photo with your siblings! You can ask your sibling if one sibling can take the younger child on a piggyback ride. Piggyback rides are a great option for children who aren’t yet old enough or stable enough to make this move.

Take a stand

After any walking pose, standing poses are natural.

Why? Because it takes only seconds to say, “Now stop there and smile/snuggle/high-five!”

This series contains 12 unique images

#1: The 360

You can do this pose as well as your clients! Ask your family members to hug each other while they stand. Everyone should touch someone. Take a slow 360-degree turn around your clients and search for unusual light and angles.

#2: Sweet kisses

This pose is so sweet! Please encourage your children to kiss their parents’ cheeks and vice versa. You can also get some amazing reactions from parents by asking them to surprise their child with a huge, embarrassing kiss on the forehead.

Sit poses

The most inclusive family photo ideas include seated poses in a family portrait studio in Toronto.

Why? They’re great for all abilities and ages!

#1: Comfortable couches and lovely blankets

You can take a stylish sofa outside and make it the family’s favorite picture! To create timeless family portraits, you don’t necessarily need a large piece of furniture. These are great options:

  • Big, fluffy blankets to complement the family’s wardrobe
  • lightweight chairs
  • Colorful ottomans
  • Barstools and footstools

#2: Animal friends

All pets, including dogs, cats, lizards, and llamas, are part of the family. Photographing Doggo’s face when she’s close to her forever family and getting pet scratches and kisses is easier.

#3: Lying down

Begin by guiding everyone to lie on their backs, with their legs extended and their heads in front. These family photos will be taken from the top, using bright grass or textured ground for a background. A step ladder may be required!

#4: The little things

For sweet details and intimate portraits, move closer. Pay attention to the baby’s face, hands, and that curl at the top of his forehead. These tight crops are very popular on social media, so if you like that kind of thing, these kinds of photos will get lots of likes.

Your family photo poses are done. Let’s not ruin it with poor backgrounds or unfavorable lighting!

Here are some things to keep in mind when photographing families

Keep your eyes open to the sun.

Open shade refers to the beautiful, soft light you can find under a large tree or in the shadow of a building. You will have a much easier job if you shoot during the golden hour.

Photography During the Golden Hour

Scout for a beautiful background

You must be aware of distractions such as cars, joggers, and street signs. You can plan to find beautiful locations that are easily accessible.

Request a portrait list

Talk to your clients in advance and ask if they want you to photograph certain groups or moments. Many families want:

  • All family together
  • Each parent should be with their children
  • Children alone
  • Parents alone
  • individual portraits
  • Unexpected moments

If you try to capture every group in every pose, you’ll lose all your sense of perspective. Instead, make sure to include individual groups in your posing series.

Find out what your clients would like to see in their photos.

Are they interested in an album? Do they want a large family portrait for their home? You can plan your shoots with this in mind.

Large Family Portrait Photography

Every pose can be tailored to suit the family.

Poses that encourage family interaction are a good choice. Take this example:

  • Do you have a child who wants to be held by Mommy? Take the opportunity to customize your poses with the child in Mom’s arms.
  • Do you think Dad is taller than the rest? During standing poses, have him sit on a chair or stool.
  • Is one member of your family unable to sit or walk? These poses can be eliminated and replaced with poses that work for everyone.
  • Do any members of the family have sensory sensitivities? You can find out beforehand so that you don’t force anyone to touch or hug them if they are uncomfortable.
  • Photograph large families in a mix of standing and sitting pose to show everyone’s faces.



Hark Nijjar Photography

We are a boutique photography studio located in Stouffville, Ontario. We specialize in creative Family Portraits, Business Headshots.