Yellow Daylily

Harley Stanton
13 min readMar 21, 2024



Welcome to our roundup of the best Yellow Daylily products! If you’re a lover of these bright and cheerful flowers, we’ve got you covered with our curated selection of top-quality items to enhance your garden or add a touch of nature to your home. From bulbs and plants to stunning arrangements and home decor, we’ve got everything you need to indulge your yellow daylily love. Let’s dive in and explore the world of Yellow Daylilies together.

The Top 8 Best Yellow Daylily

  1. Yellow Stella D’Oro Daylilies for Vibrant Gardening — Brighten your garden with 5 Yellow Flowers Stella D’Oro Daylily Perennial Plants, perfect for borders and containers, attracting butterflies and pollinators.
  2. Vibrant Punch Yellow Daylilies — Experience stunning blooms with Spring Hill Nurseries’ Everydaylily Yellow Punch Daylily — a hardy, adaptable, and low-maintenance yellow-orange flowering perennial perfect for any landscape.
  3. Stella D’Oro: Revolutionary Yellow Daylily Perennial for Sunny or Shady Spots — Revolutionize your garden with ‘Stella D’Oro’ — a carefree, adaptable, and stunning yellow Daylily boasting constant, fragrant blooms from May to July.
  4. Vibrant Yellow Daylily Plant for Butterfly Attraction — Brighten your garden with the vibrant yellow flowers of Hemerocallis ‘Happy Returns’ daylily, a perennial that attracts butterflies and thrives in USDA Zones 3–8.
  5. Golden Yellow Stella D’Oro Daylily Flower Bulbs — Add a burst of summer sunshine with the 1YR Stella D’Oro Daylily Flower Bulbs, their deep yellow blooms attracting butterflies, hummingbirds, and reblooming during the season.
  6. Vibrant Yellow Stella de Oro Daylily Perennial for Sunny Gardens — Stella de Oro Daylily: Low maintenance, attracts pollinators, adds golden charm to perennial beds, and thrives in USDA zones 3–9.
  7. Stunning Tiger Swirl Yellow Daylily for Full Sun Gardens — Bring a splash of vibrant color and versatility to your garden with the stunning yellow and deep red Tiger Swirl Daylily from Proven Winners, featuring triangle-shaped petals and impressive blooms that thrive in various soil conditions and locations.
  8. Stella de Oro Yellow Daylily: Compact, Fragrant, & Prolific Bloomer — CHUXAY Garden Stella de Oro — Reblooming Daylily — Attracts butterflies and bees, perfect for shrub borders, perennial beds, or containers near the patio; golden yellow flowers last 16–24 hours and return the next day.


Yellow Stella D’Oro Daylilies for Vibrant Gardening


I discovered Stella d’Oro Daylily, a true marvel in the world of gardens. This compact beauty is absolutely perfect for creating a picture-perfect border in both pots and garden beds. What sets Stella d’Oro apart is its remarkable adaptability. It thrives in conditions you’d least expect, standing its ground in polluted city gardens, handling scorching summers, enduring drought-stricken soils, and even adapts to eroded slopes and black walnut tree roots.

But the real star of the show are the captivating flowers. Stella d’Oro blooms with a fragrance that speaks volumes of its charm — a fragrance that attracts butterflies and hummingbirds alike. It begins its grand entrance in late Spring through early Summer, showering us with an astonishing display of flowers. And it doesn’t stop there. Blooms continue to appear sporadically throughout the summer, fading gently into early fall.

Gardeners will also love the low maintenance aspect of Stella d’Oro. Despite its tiny roots, it can handle diverse soil types, from the wettest to the driest. It’s like the ultimate superhero of the garden, surviving harsh conditions where others can’t.

However, there’s a minor drawback that couldn’t be overlooked. One of the bags I received contained only three healthy plants instead of the expected five. I hope the additional two seeds will sprout in the coming weeks, as this would improve my overall experience.

Overall, the Stella d’Oro Daylily is an unsung hero of the plant world, providing an exquisite balance of beauty and resilience. It’s been a joy to watch these tiny marvels grow and transform the dull corners of my garden. With a bit of patience, the wait for their bloom is well worth it.

Vibrant Punch Yellow Daylilies


I recently tried the Spring Hill Nurseries Everydaylily Yellow Punch Daylily, and let me tell you, it truly lives up to its name. The first thing that stood out to me were its bright and striking yellow-orange flowers that bloom like a punch to the eye in summer to fall. I was amazed at how adaptable this little perennial is, thriving in various conditions that other plants would find unbearable.

Now, let’s talk about the planting process. The instructions were clear and easy to follow, and I was able to space the plants about 12 to 18 inches apart to promote optimal growth. I must say, the results were impressive — it’s like this small flower packs a mighty punch. I even tried it in a few problem areas around my landscape, and it just kept on flourishing despite the less-than-ideal conditions.

The Daylily Yellow Punch truly is a hardy companion in any garden. It’s not just easy to care for, but it also adds a touch of charm and beauty to any outdoor space. I’d say it’s a perfect addition to any landscape, making it a great investment for any gardener.

Stella D’Oro: Revolutionary Yellow Daylily Perennial for Sunny or Shady Spots


I recently had the pleasure of adding the ‘Stella D’Oro’ daylily, a bright yellow bloom, to my garden. This daylily has been a game-changer in the world of gardening, with its constant stream of star-shaped flowers that brighten my space from May to July. The plant’s short stature is perfect for creating a dense cluster, which serves as a stunning backdrop for the ever-present yellow blossoms.

One of the things that stood out to me about this ‘Stella D’Oro’ is its adaptability to poor soil and harsh landscape conditions. While other plants may wilt, this daylily thrives and continues to bloom beautifully. The plant’s foliage adds to its overall appeal, forming a tight clump that houses the continuous stream of flower stalks rising above.

I have been able to group this plant in both sunny and shady locations, and to my delight, it performs exceptionally well. It is even a great addition to a container setup! Overall, the ‘Stella D’Oro’ daylily has been an incredible addition to my garden, and I highly recommend it to those looking to add a splash of yellow and a touch of magic.

Vibrant Yellow Daylily Plant for Butterfly Attraction


I had the pleasure of welcoming the Hemerocallis ‘Happy Returns’ plant into my garden, and let me tell you, it’s been a delight. This perennial daylily boasts bright yellow flowers that are sure to bring a touch of sunshine to any landscape. Now, let’s talk about planting it.

It’s fully rooted in the soil and ready to get right into the ground, weather permitting. That means no waiting for roots to grow before they can thrive, which is a major plus in my book.

And guess what? . It’s a butterfly magnet! .

Watch as these lovely creatures flutter around, attracted by the bright flowers. The only downside I’ve noticed so far is that it might be a bit small for certain gardens, so make sure you have enough space for it to grow.

Overall, it’s been a fantastic addition to my garden, and I can’t wait to see it in full bloom.

Golden Yellow Stella D’Oro Daylily Flower Bulbs


I discovered the Stella D’Oro Daylily bulbs when I was looking to add a burst of sunshine to my garden during the summer season. These bulbs are perfect for those living in zones 2 to 9, as they thrive in both full sun and partial shade. What really stood out in my experience was their ease of growth, making them a beginner-friendly choice.

I also loved how these flowers attract butterflies and hummingbirds, adding life to my garden. And let’s not forget about their sweet fragrance that filled the air.

Despite being deer resistant, I did notice that these yellow daylilies were not as effective in keeping deer away as I would have hoped. Nonetheless, their stunning golden yellow blooms and reblooming capabilities made up for it.

Overall, it was a delight to use these bulbs in my garden, and I eagerly await the arrival of the rich, yellow blossoms that will grace my garden in the months ahead.

Vibrant Yellow Stella de Oro Daylily Perennial for Sunny Gardens


As a lover of bright and cheerful flowers, I was excited to try the Stella de Oro Daylily Perennial Plant. Imagine my disappointment when I found that the container was only 5 inches deep, not 1 gallon as advertised. Inside, I found a teeny tiny bare-root Daylily struggling to survive.

However, the flowers themselves were quite spectacular. The ruffled-edged, bell-shaped golden flowers added a vibrant touch to my garden, brightening up the summer days. At a mature height of 10–12 inches, these Daylilies were perfect for adding a touch of color to my perennial bed or along a path or border.

One of the highlights of this plant was its re-blooming feature. It was quite impressive to see the flowers appear on stems that only last one day. To encourage more blooms, I would regularly deadhead the spent blooms at the stem. This helped to keep the plant looking tidy and ensured plenty of abundant blooms.

In terms of planting, the Stella de Oro Daylily Perennial Plant was quite easy to care for. I planted it in well-drained soil in a sun to part sun location, and it thrived. Not only that, but it also attracted pollinators like hummingbirds and butterflies, adding even more charm to my garden.

Despite the deceptive advertising, the Stella de Oro Daylily Perennial Plant did brighten up my summer days with its beautiful golden flowers. But be warned, the size of the container may not be as advertised.

Stunning Tiger Swirl Yellow Daylily for Full Sun Gardens


I recently added the Rainbow Rhythm Tiger Swirl Daylily to my garden, and boy, was it a striking addition! The deep yellow flower with the bold red eye truly made a statement in my garden. The unique triangle-shaped petals made these flowers stand out among the rest.

One thing I noticed was that these daylilies weren’t too particular about where they were planted. They thrived in my dry soil and even popped up under my walnut tree, without any issues. Their drought tolerance and salt tolerance made them the perfect addition to my garden.

However, I had one small issue with these daylilies. They tended to be a bit thirsty, and I found myself watering them more often than I would have liked. Apart from that, they were quite hardy and withstood the full sun to part shade conditions in my garden with ease.

All in all, the Rainbow Rhythm Tiger Swirl Daylily brought a burst of color and vibrant energy to my garden, and I’m definitely planning to add more of them in the future.

Stella de Oro Yellow Daylily: Compact, Fragrant, & Prolific Bloomer


As I sat in my garden, admiring the blooming yellow flowers, I knew the CHUXAY Garden Daylily Seeds were right for me. Each one added a touch of charm, with their golden trumpets and small green throats. These stunning flowers seemed to dance around the sun, drawing in butterflies and bees from all around.

What I loved most about these hemerocallis seeds was their ability to re-bloom time and time again. Spring was the perfect opportunity to plant, and before I knew it, I had rows of vibrant yellow flowers filling up my garden with life.

However, the key to success with these seeds was ensuring the right hardiness zone and planting them in direct sunlight for the majority of the day. With these simple steps, I had no trouble growing the most beautiful yellow daylilies that brought joy to my garden all summer long.

Buyer’s Guide

Welcome to our buyer’s guide for Yellow Daylilies! This comprehensive guide will help you understand the key features, considerations, and advice you need to make an informed purchase for your garden. Let’s dive into the world of Yellow Daylilies.


Types of Yellow Daylilies

Did you know that there are over 40,000 varieties of daylilies? When it comes to Yellow Daylilies, you can choose from various classes such as Dinner Plate, Stella d’Oro, and Empress. Each type has its unique characteristics, such as flower size, bloom season, and hardiness. Researching the different types will help you find the perfect match for your garden.

Sunlight Requirements

Yellow Daylilies are sun lovers! They thrive in full sunlight and may not perform as well in shady areas. When planning your garden, make sure to place your Yellow Daylilies in a spot that gets at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day. If your garden receives less sunlight, consider using reflective mulch or planting near a light-colored wall to help boost daylight exposure.


Soil Conditions

These hardy plants can grow in a variety of soil types, including clay, sand, and loam. However, they prefer well-drained, organic soil. Ensure your garden has adequate drainage, and avoid regularly waterlogging the area. Yellow Daylilies are also known to be great gardeners, as they naturally enhance the soil structure with their root systems.

Maintenance and Care

Yellow Daylilies are relatively low-maintenance plants. They require minimal pruning and are susceptible to diseases and pests. To promote healthy growth and prevent issues, plant your Yellow Daylilies at least 12 inches apart and avoid planting them near other plants that may attract pests. During the growing season, provide water only when the soil feels dry. In colder climates, protect your Yellow Daylily from frost by using mulch or other insulating materials.



What are the benefits of yellow daylilies?

Yellow daylilies offer several benefits. They are easy to grow, requiring minimal care and effort. The flowers come in various shades of yellow, making them an attractive addition to any garden or landscape. Additionally, yellow daylilies are known for their hardiness and can thrive in different environmental conditions.

Aside from their ornamental value, yellow daylilies also attract beneficial insects to the garden, aiding in pollination. Some species of daylilies even have medicinal properties, with their roots being used to treat digestive issues and other ailments in traditional medicine. Overall, yellow daylilies are a low-maintenance, versatile, and aesthetically pleasing plant choice for gardeners.


How do I plant yellow daylilies?

Planting yellow daylilies is a straightforward process. First, choose a suitable location with well-draining soil that receives plenty of sunlight. Daylilies prefer full sun, but they can also tolerate partial shade. Dig a hole that is about twice the size of the daylily’s root ball, and place the plant gently in the hole.

Ensure the planted daylily is at the same depth as it was in the pot, with the crown slightly above the soil level. Backfill the hole with soil, and water the area thoroughly. To promote better root growth, you can also apply a slow-release fertilizer around the plant. Continue to water the daylily regularly, but avoid overwatering, as this can cause root rot.

Can I grow yellow daylilies in containers?

Yes, yellow daylilies can be grown in containers. Choose a pot that is at least 10–12 inches in diameter and has good drainage. Fill the pot with well-draining soil and plant the daylily at the same depth as it was in its original pot. Water the container regularly, but be careful not to overwater, as this can lead to root rot.

Fertilize the container-grown daylily with a slow-release fertilizer to provide essential nutrients. Make sure the container is placed in a location with plenty of sunlight, as daylilies require full sun to thrive. With proper care, yellow daylilies can be grown successfully in containers and make a great addition to patios and balconies.


How do I divide yellow daylily plants?

Dividing yellow daylilly plants is a simple process. Wait until late summer or early fall, when the plant has finished blooming, to divide it. Use a shovel or garden fork to carefully dig around the daylily’s crown, being cautious not to damage the roots. Gently lift the entire plant out of the ground.

Separate the daylily’s rhizomes using your hands, making sure each division has at least one healthy shoot and a portion of roots. Trim any damaged or dead roots, and replant the divided daylilies in well-draining soil, watering them thoroughly. The divided daylilies will quickly establish themselves and begin to grow, providing you with more plants to display in your garden or landscape.

Are there any pests or diseases that affect yellow daylilies?

Yellow daylilies are generally resistant to pests and diseases. However, a few common issues may arise. Aphids, spider mites, and other insects may infest daylily plants, causing damage to the foliage. Regularly inspect the daylily for signs of pests, and treat the plant with an appropriate insecticide if necessary.

Daylilies can also be affected by fungal diseases, such as crown rot and white mold. To prevent these issues, ensure proper drainage and avoid overwatering your daylilies. If you notice signs of fungal disease, treat the plant with a fungicide as soon as possible to prevent it from spreading. With proper care and attention, yellow daylilies can remain healthy and pest-free in your garden.

How long do yellow daylilies take to mature?

Yellow daylilies typically take one to two years to reach full maturity and begin blooming. During the first year, the plant focuses on root establishment and growth. In the second year, the daylily will start to produce flowers. Once mature, yellow daylilies will continue to bloom each year, providing you with a beautiful display of yellow flowers in your garden.

It’s essential to provide your daylily with the proper care and growing conditions during its first year to ensure it reaches maturity quickly. With proper care and attention, yellow daylilies can establish themselves as a reliable and attractive addition to your landscape, providing color and beauty for years to come.

