Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development— (Problem/Solution Argument with some Research).

Harlie Shaw
4 min readJan 20, 2024


Goal 14 of SDG is about conserving and sustainably using the oceans, seas and marine resources. Keeping our oceans and seas healthy provides many good deeds to us humans and the life in the water. It provides food, jobs, climate regulation, and economic progress (United Nations #5). To achieve these goals around our homes we need to One: conserve water. Conserving water would mean using less water so wastewater will not flow into the ocean. Two: Reduce pollutants. Reducing pollutants means humans need to choose nontoxic chemicals and dispose of herbicides, and pesticides. Three: Reduce waste. Reducing waste just means we need to cut down on what we throw away and start recycling (National Ocean Service #1–3). The ocean generates 50% of the oxygen we need to survive and if we don’t start acting around our homes, we are not achieving goal 14.

Taking care of the ocean does not mean just taking care of it at home. We also need to take care of the ocean on the water. By doing this we need to fish responsibly (National Ocean Service #7). Many people who fish have a license which allows them to take the fish home but there is also a high percentage of people who do not contain a license and still take the fish they catch home. The practices of “catch and release” keep more fish alive. Catch and release improves fish populations which allows more fish to remain and reproduce in the ecosystem (National Park Service prg. 1). Practicing safe boating is also an excellent way to take care of the ocean and seas responsibly. By anchoring in sandy areas away from coral and sea grasses it decreases the chances of impact on living organisms’ homes and lives in the water (DigitalCommons@URI). Lastly, respecting the habitat of the ocean and seas is key (National Ocean Service #9). When oceans have a healthy habitat, they sustain life on earth by providing oxygen production, ecosystem services, and climate regulations. The ocean covers more than 70% of the world and provides natural resources, food, materials, energy and substances for us living on the outside (UN Environment Programme 1). Taking precautions with what we do on the water is very important because it isn’t only saving the ocean, but it is saving us.

Most of us don’t just spend time in our homes. We go to the grocery store in town, we drive to school, some of us may go to the gym daily…When we do these things are we thinking about how the things we do every day affect the ocean? Probably not. We could help the ocean by shopping better. This means choosing sustainable seafood, buying less plastic and bringing reusable bags (National Ocean Service #4). By bringing reusable bags to the grocery store or any store in general it helps the ocean by getting plastic bags out of the water. Plastic is terrible for the ocean and the living things in it. Over one million marine animals are killed each year due to plastic in the ocean and there are near 100 million tons of plastic in the ocean around the world (Sea Turtle Conservancy prg 1). It is truly so sad, and we could stop it. Driving is also bad for the ocean because it causes vehicle pollution. Taking a bike, walking, carpooling or fuel-efficient vehicles are much better for not only the ocean but the environment as well (National Ocean Service #5). The ocean affects us all in positive ways no matter where you live, and we need to start doing positive things for it.

The ocean and seas are some of the most beautiful views with the most beautiful creatures living within them. If we do not take these steps conserving and sustainably using the oceans, seas and marine resources, we could ruin the ocean and the lives that surround it. Taking care of the ocean is taking care of us and this could be the first of many steps to a healthier and more connected world. Goal 14 has made me realize the things I need to do to act, and I can’t wait to start today.


Environment, U. (n.d.). Goal 14: Life below water. UNEP. https://www.unep.org/explore-topics/sustainable-development-goals/why-do-sustainable-development-goals-matter/goal-14

US Department of Commerce, N. O. and A. A. (2016, June 28). How can you help our ocean?. NOAA’s National Ocean Service. https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/ocean/help-our-ocean.html

United Nations. (n.d.). 5 reasons you should care about our ocean. United Nations. https://www.un.org/en/desa/5-reasons-you-should-care-about-our-ocean#:~:text=It%20provides%20climate%20regulation%2C%20food,2022%20UN%20Ocean%20Conference%20website.

Flynn, R. (2015). DigitalCommons@URI. BOAT ANCHORING CONTRIBUTES TO CORAL REEF DEGRADATION IN THE BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS . https://digitalcommons.uri.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1541&context=theses

U.S. Department of the Interior. (2018, May 9). Catch and release fishing. National Parks Service. https://www.nps.gov/subjects/fishing/catch-and-release-fishing.htm#:~:text=Catch%20and%20release%20fishing%20improves,and%20to%20successfully%20catch%20fish.

