My Husband Is Very Controlling and Jealous (How to Deal With Dominating Husband)

Harlow Kira
6 min readDec 13, 2023


Photo by IsaaK Alexandre KaRslian on Unsplash

Today, I want to talk about something that hits close to home for many — dealing with a controlling and jealous husband. So often, I hear from people who feel like they’re caught in a whirlwind of dominance and possessiveness. It’s like trying to dance in a hurricane — not fun, right? But fear not, because we’re going to dive into this together and find ways to weather the storm.

Just the other day, a distressed woman sent me an email that read like a message in a bottle. Her name was Angelina, and she was navigating stormy seas in her marriage. The waves of her husband’s control and jealousy crashed against the shores of her sanity, and she felt like she was drowning in a sea of uncertainty.

In her email, Angelina poured out her heart, sharing snippets of her life that resonated with so many others. She spoke of the constant questioning, the raised eyebrows at innocent conversations, and the feeling of being tethered to an anchor of suspicion. As I read her words, it was like peering into a diary filled with the raw emotions of someone desperately seeking solid ground in the tempest of her relationship.

She described a Sunday morning much like any other — the sun streaming through the curtains, birds chirping in the distance, and the aroma of fresh coffee wafting through the air. But, unlike the peaceful scene outside, Angelina’s world was anything but serene. As she sat down to enjoy her cup of coffee, her husband’s accusatory questions shattered the tranquility.

“Where are you going? Who will you be with?” he asked, casting a shadow over the morning sunlight. It wasn’t the first time, and Angelina could feel the weight of his suspicion bearing down on her. It was as if every step she took needed to be explained and justified, turning her simple routine into a maze of scrutiny.

She shared moments when innocent outings with friends turned into interrogations. A coffee date with a colleague became a cause for skepticism, and even a trip to the grocery store became an opportunity for her husband to question her every move. It was like living under a magnifying glass, with every action scrutinized for hidden meanings.

As she narrated her story, I could almost hear the frustration in her words, the weariness of constantly defending herself against accusations that seemed to have no basis. She spoke of the toll it was taking on her mental health, the constant feeling of being under surveillance even within the walls of her own home.

And then, in the closing lines of her email, Angelina posed a question that echoed with vulnerability and desperation, “My husband is very controlling and jealous; how to deal with dominating husband? Is there a way to find the lighthouse in this storm, or am I destined to sail through these troubled waters alone?”

Now, let me be real with you. This is a toxic dance, and if you’re dancing to a similar tune, it’s time to change the record. Here’s the lowdown on dealing with a dominating husband without losing your sanity.

1. Identify the Red Flags

Alright, let’s kick things off by shining a light on those subtle red flags that might be flying under your radar. Recognizing controlling behavior is crucial, and it often hides behind the facade of love or concern. If your husband is always prying into your personal space, checking your phone like a detective, or making decisions for you without considering your opinion, those are major warning signs.

It’s like being on a rollercoaster, and these red flags are the creaks and jerks that make your stomach churn. So, pause for a moment and reflect on your relationship. Do you find yourself tip-toeing around certain topics or avoiding certain activities just to avoid a conflict? If the answer is yes, take a deep breath — you’re not alone.

2. Communication is Key

Now that we’ve identified the red flags, let’s talk about the glue that can hold it all together — communication. This isn’t about hurling accusations; it’s about expressing how certain behaviors make you feel. Sit down with your husband for an open and honest conversation. Use “I” statements to express your emotions rather than pointing fingers with “you” statements.

For instance, say something like, “I feel overwhelmed and suffocated when there’s constant questioning about my actions.” This isn’t about assigning blame; it’s about sharing your perspective. Much like opening a window in a stuffy room, honest communication allows fresh air into your relationship.

Now, the tricky part here is to remain calm and avoid turning it into a blame game. Remember, the goal is to create a space for understanding, not to ignite a heated argument. It might take some time for your partner to grasp the impact of their actions, so patience is key.

3. Set Boundaries

Alright, imagine your relationship is a vast garden. Beautiful, right? But every garden needs some fences to define its boundaries. Similarly, setting clear boundaries in your relationship is crucial. What’s acceptable, and what’s not? Take some time to reflect on this and then communicate these boundaries to your husband.

This isn’t about being rigid or controlling in return; it’s about establishing a mutual understanding of what makes both of you comfortable. If constant monitoring or interference in your personal space is bothering you, let your partner know. It’s like drawing a line in the sand — a clear marker for what’s acceptable and what’s not.

Now, boundaries aren’t meant to build walls; they’re meant to create a space where both partners feel respected and understood. So, when you discuss these boundaries, approach it as a collaborative effort rather than a set of rules imposed by one person.

4. Cultivate Independence

Here’s a concept to embrace — individuality within unity. You are not an extension of your partner; you’re a complete person with your own interests, passions, and social circle. Nurture your independence like a well-tended garden. Pursue your hobbies, maintain your friendships, and have a life outside the relationship.

This step isn’t about pulling away; it’s about enriching your individual selves. Think of it as adding vibrant colors to the canvas of your relationship. When both partners maintain their independence, it not only reduces dependency but also adds new dimensions to your connection.

Encourage your husband to do the same. Support his individual interests and friendships. Remember, a confident, independent partner is like catnip for a healthy relationship. It fosters mutual growth and strengthens the bond you share.

5. Reinforce Positive Behavior

Now, let’s talk about positive reinforcement — a powerful tool in shaping behavior. When your husband respects the boundaries you’ve set and shows understanding, acknowledge it. Positive reinforcement is like watering a plant — the more you nurture it, the stronger it grows.

It could be as simple as expressing gratitude when your partner respects your need for personal space or acknowledging their efforts to change controlling behaviors. A little praise here and there can go a long way in reinforcing positive behavior. It’s not about over-the-top celebrations; it’s about creating a supportive environment that encourages growth and understanding.

Navigating a relationship with a controlling and jealous husband can be tough, but it’s not impossible. Remember, every relationship is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. These tips are just a starting point, and the key is to adapt them to your specific situation.

If you’ve found the insights and advice in this article helpful, it’s time to take action and start transforming your relationship today! Click here to access an exclusive resource packed with additional tips, real-life stories, and actionable steps to help you navigate the challenges of a controlling or jealous husband.

Click here to access a comprehensive guide that dives deeper into the strategies discussed in this article. In this exclusive guide, you’ll find additional insights and practical tips that will empower you to tackle the challenges of dealing with a controlling or jealous partner. We’ve packed it with actionable advice that you can implement right away, making the path to a more fulfilling relationship clearer and more manageable.

Don’t let the stormy seas of controlling behavior and jealousy rock your relationship boat. Click right here to access practical tips and relatable advice on dealing with a dominating husband. Your relationship deserves to thrive, and with the right tools, you can steer it towards calmer waters.

Remember, you’re the captain of your ship, and the journey is yours to navigate. Don’t miss the chance to chart a course for a stronger, more fulfilling relationship. Click here now and set sail towards a brighter horizon!



Harlow Kira

Experienced marriage counselor, guiding couples through challenges to rediscover joy and intimacy. Committed to building resilient partnerships.