My Husband Speaks To Me Disrespectfully (What to Do When Your Husband Speaks Rudely To You)

Harlow Kira
6 min readMar 29, 2024


Photo by Ryan Holloway on Unsplash

Today, let’s dive into a topic that hits close to home for many of us — dealing with a husband who sometimes forgets his manners and lets loose with the not-so-friendly words. So often, I hear from women facing the challenge of a husband who speaks disrespectfully. It’s tough when your husband starts firing off words that hit you right in the heart. If you’ve ever found yourself wondering, “What do I do when my husband speaks rudely to me?” — well, you’re not alone.

I recently got an email from a woman named Helen, who felt like she was walking on eggshells around her own husband. The subject line read, “Help! My Marriage is a Verbal Rollercoaster,” and as I opened it, her words poured out like a river of frustration. Helen described how her husband’s occasional rude remarks had become a regular feature in their daily conversations.

In her email, she shared a specific incident that shook her to the core. They were discussing weekend plans, and out of nowhere, he dropped a sarcastic comment about her cooking skills. Now, Helen takes pride in her culinary creations, and this offhand remark felt like a slap in the face. It wasn’t just about the comment itself; it was the accumulation of these jabs that left her feeling unappreciated and disheartened.

As she continued her email, Helen detailed the emotional toll these incidents were taking on her. She felt a growing distance between them, a gap that seemed to widen with each disrespectful word. The love that once fueled their relationship now felt overshadowed by a cloud of tension. She admitted to questioning whether she deserved to be spoken to with such disregard, and it was evident in her words that she was at a loss.

At the end of her message, Helen posed a question that lingered in the air like an unspoken plea for guidance: “My husband speaks to me disrespectfully: What to do when your husband speaks rudely to you? What can I do to make him understand how much his words hurt without pushing him further away?”

Now, if you’ve ever been in Helen’s shoes, you know how emotionally draining it can be. It’s like navigating a ship through a storm without a compass. But fear not, because I’m here to share some insights and practical tips to help you weather the storm and bring back the sunshine in your relationship.

1. Reflect on Your Feelings

When your husband throws disrespectful words your way, it’s like being hit by an unexpected wave — disorienting, painful, and frankly, not something you signed up for. But before you strap on your emotional snorkel gear, take a moment to sit back and reflect.

Ask yourself, “What is it about his words that sting the most?” Is it the sharpness of his tone, the choice of words, or the context in which they’re delivered? Understanding the root of your emotional turmoil is like grabbing hold of a lifebuoy in the tumultuous sea of feelings. It gives you a solid grip on what exactly needs fixing.

Are you feeling undervalued, dismissed, or just plain hurt? Pinpointing the source of your emotional turmoil is like navigating with a compass. It sets the stage for addressing the issue with precision.

2. Choose the Right Time to Talk

Timing is everything, and we’re not just talking about the perfect moment for that Instagram-worthy sunset. No, we’re talking about picking the right time to have a conversation that could potentially change the course of your relationship. It’s like planning a dinner date — you wouldn’t choose a noisy restaurant during rush hour, right?

So, find a moment when both of you can sit down without the looming stress of work or the distractions of daily life. Imagine a serene evening where the air is calm, and the only thing on the agenda is an open and honest conversation.

3. Use “I” Statements

Communication can be a slippery slope, and this step is all about finding solid footing. When you’re discussing the issue, avoid turning it into a blame game. Instead of saying, “You always talk to me disrespectfully,” try the magic of “I” statements. For instance, “I feel hurt when I’m spoken to disrespectfully.”

This isn’t about tiptoeing around the issue. It’s about expressing your emotions without launching a verbal assault. Using “I” statements shifts the focus from what your husband is doing wrong to how his words impact you. It’s like swapping out a sledgehammer for a precision tool — much more effective.

4. Set Boundaries

Now, let’s talk boundaries — the unsung heroes of healthy relationships. Imagine your relationship as a cozy little house. Boundaries are like the fences around your yard, defining the space where respect reigns supreme.

Discuss and establish what kind of language is off-limits and the impact it has on you. It’s not about setting rules to control your husband’s every word — it’s about creating an environment where both of you feel safe and valued.

So, sit down and have a heart-to-heart about what’s acceptable and what’s not. It’s like drawing a treasure map, only the treasure is a relationship free from hurtful words.

5. Find Alternatives to Vent Frustration

We all need an outlet for our frustrations, and your husband is no exception. Encourage him to express his feelings in constructive ways. This could be through journaling, hitting the gym, or simply talking to a friend. Redirecting negative energy into positive actions not only helps him manage stress but also prevents it from being unintentionally directed at you.

Consider discussing activities you both enjoy as a couple. Whether it’s taking evening walks, cooking together, or pursuing a shared hobby, finding positive outlets for stress can significantly impact the overall tone of your interactions.

6. Reinforce Positive Communication

Ever heard the phrase “catch them doing something right”? Well, it applies here too. When your husband communicates respectfully, acknowledge it. A simple “thank you for expressing that thought so considerately” can go a long way in reinforcing positive behavior.

Think of it as planting seeds of kindness. The more you water these seeds, the more they’ll grow, creating a garden of respectful communication in your relationship. Positive reinforcement not only uplifts your husband but also reinforces the value of respectful communication within your shared space.

Dealing with a husband who speaks disrespectfully is no walk in the park, but it’s not an unsolvable puzzle either. Remember, it takes effort to create a respectful and loving environment. So, reflect on your feelings, communicate openly, set boundaries, and reinforce positive behavior.

If you’ve found the insights and advice in this article helpful, and you’re looking for more guidance, then it’s time to take the next step towards fostering a healthier, more respectful relationship. Click here to access an exclusive resource packed with practical tips and exercises designed to strengthen communication and foster a deeper connection with your partner.

Click here to access a comprehensive guide that dives deeper into the strategies discussed in this article. Equip yourself with practical tips, real-life stories, and step-by-step approaches to tackle disrespectful dialogue head-on. It’s your roadmap to fostering a stronger, more respectful connection with your partner.

Don’t let hurtful words define your relationship. Take charge, implement positive changes, and rediscover the love that brought you together. Your journey to a healthier, happier marriage starts now. Click right here and let’s make your love story the best it can be!

Remember, your relationship deserves the investment of time and effort to thrive. By clicking here, you’re not just accessing information — you’re taking a proactive step toward positive change.



Harlow Kira

Experienced marriage counselor, guiding couples through challenges to rediscover joy and intimacy. Committed to building resilient partnerships.