Azure DevOps — compare two commits right in the web UI?

Harold Finch
2 min readJul 15, 2024


To compare two commits in Azure DevOps directly from the web UI, follow these steps.

  1. Navigate to Your Repository.
  • Go to your Azure DevOps project and select “Repos” from the left-hand menu.
  • Click on “Files” to view your repository.

2. Find the Commits

  • In the left-hand menu, select “Commits” to see the list of commits in the repository.

3. Select Commits to Compare

  • Find the two commits you want to compare. Click on the commit message of the first commit to open its details.
  • In the commit details view, you will see the commit ID. Copy this ID.

4. Open Compare Commits View

  • Navigate back to the “Commits” list.
  • Click on the “Compare” link/button, which is usually located near the top of the commits list or in the commit details page.

5. Enter Commit IDs:

  • In the “Compare Commits” view, you will see two fields to enter commit IDs.
  • Paste the commit ID of the first commit in the “Base” field.
  • Enter the commit ID of the second commit in the “Target” field. If you are already viewing the second commit’s details, you can copy its ID from there.

6. Compare the Commits:

  • Click on the “Compare” button. Azure DevOps will show a diff view of the changes between the two commits.
  • You will be able to see the differences in files and lines of code, making it easy to review the changes.

By following these steps, you can effectively compare two commits directly within the Azure DevOps web UI, allowing you to review changes and understand the differences between the commits.

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