How to Get YAML for Deployed Kubernetes Services

Harold Finch
3 min readFeb 23, 2024


How to Get YAML for Deployed Kubernetes Services — VaST ITES INC
How to Get YAML for Deployed Kubernetes Services

Effective deployment service management is critical for maintaining seamless operations in the Kubernetes realm. The foundation of Kubernetes configurations are YAML (YAML Ain’t Markup Language) files, which offer a declarative syntax for specifying application resources. In order to enable users to properly comprehend and manage their deployments, this article will examine how to retrieve YAML configurations for deployed Kubernetes services.

Understanding Kubernetes YAML

What is YAML?

A popular data serialization format for configuration files is YAML, which is human-readable. YAML files are used in the Kubernetes context to specify different resources, including pods, deployments, services, and ingress rules. Read More: Unlocking the Power of Kubernetes: Exploring the Benefits and Advantages

Structure of Kubernetes YAML

Kubernetes YAML files typically consist of a set of key-value pairs representing different aspects of the desired configuration. These files adhere to a specific structure defined by Kubernetes’ API specifications, ensuring consistency and compatibility across deployments.

Obtaining YAML for Deployed Services

Using kubectl

Kubectl is the main tool used to communicate with Kubernetes clusters. YAML configurations for deployed services can be obtained by running the kubectl get command with the resource type and service name followed by the export flag. For example

kubectl get service my-service --export -o yaml

This command retrieves the YAML configuration for the service named my-service.

Accessing Kubernetes API

As an alternative, users can programmatically get YAML configurations by directly gaining access to the Kubernetes API. The YAML representation of the service configuration can be obtained by submitting a GET request to the relevant API endpoint for the deployed service. Decoding Kubernetes and Docker Click here for more details

Manipulating YAML Configurations

Editing YAML Files

After obtaining the YAML configuration for a deployed service, users can use command-line tools or a text editor to update the file directly. In order to expand deployments, common alterations include changing labels, upgrading service ports, and modifying resource specifications.

Applying Changes

Using the kubectl apply command, users can apply changes they have made to the YAML configuration to the Kubernetes cluster. To make sure that the changes are reflected in the deployment, this command compares the cluster’s present state with the intended state that is provided in the YAML file.

Best Practices for YAML Management

Version Control

YAML configuration files must be version controlled with Git or other similar technologies in order to monitor changes and facilitate productive teamwork. Teams may guarantee reproducibility across environments and go back to earlier configurations when necessary by keeping a version history.


It is essential to record YAML configurations in order to guarantee team members’ comprehension and clarity. YAML files with comments and annotations can offer insightful information about the function and goal of each resource.

One essential component of efficiently managing Kubernetes deployments is obtaining the YAML configurations for deployed Kubernetes services. With the use of tools such as kubectl and knowledge of YAML file format, users can confidently make the necessary changes and obtain insight into their deployments.

Get started using YAML’s power for your Kubernetes deployments right now!

