OpenAI’s Figure 01: Wonder of AGI

Haroon Ahmad
5 min readMar 14, 2024


An AI robot standing in a showroom with two robots at backside
OpenAi Figure 01

Imagine a robot that converses naturally, walks upright, and even lifts heavy objects. Science fiction is on the verge of becoming reality with OpenAI’s Figure 01. This marvel of engineering marks a significant step towards Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), blurring the lines between human and machine capabilities.

This strategic collaboration between Figure and OpenAI secured $675 million in Series B funding, with investments from industry titans including Microsoft, the OpenAI Startup Fund, NVIDIA, Jeff Bezos (Bezos Expeditions), and others. Promises to push the envelope of AI research and robotics engineering further than ever before. By leveraging OpenAI’s formidable large language models, Figure 01 transcends the limitations of traditional robotics, engaging in full-fledged conversations with humans. Moreover, with support for multi-modal input, it seamlessly integrates high-level visual and language intelligence into its operations, paving the way for a new era of cognitive robotics.

What Actually AGI is?

“The term AGI stands for “Artificial General Intelligence”, and is used to refer to a theoretical form of machine intelligence that aims to mimic the wide-ranging cognitive abilities found in humans” Quoted by Maddie Zapletal

AGI aims to replicate human-like intelligence across a wide range of domains. Essentially, AGI seeks to imbue machines with the ability to understand, learn, and reason across diverse contexts, much like a human mind. This entails not only proficiency in tasks such as natural language understanding and problem-solving but also the capacity for abstraction, creativity, and adaptability. Achieving AGI holds the promise of revolutionizing industries, driving scientific discovery, and fundamentally reshaping our relationship with technology.

What makes AGI different from the Already existing AI:

First understand the term Narrow Ai, also known as Weak AI, refers to artificial intelligence systems designed and trained for specific tasks within a limited domain, lacking the broad cognitive abilities of human intelligence.

Let’s dive into differentiating existing AI from AGI

Scope of Intelligence:
— AGI encompasses a broad understanding of the world and can learn and reason across diverse contexts.
— Narrow AI is specialized, focusing on specific tasks or domains such as speech recognition or image classification.

— AGI is adaptable and can acquire new skills without explicit programming.
— Narrow AI is inflexible and requires reprogramming or extensive training for new tasks outside its predefined domain.

— AGI can generalize knowledge and apply it to different situations.
— Narrow AI is optimized for specific tasks and may struggle outside its designated domain.

— AGI possesses a higher degree of autonomy, capable of making decisions independently.
— Narrow AI operates within predefined parameters and may require human intervention for complex decision-making.

Creativity and Innovation:
— AGI has the potential for creativity and innovation, able to generate novel solutions.
— Narrow AI primarily executes predefined algorithms and lacks the ability to generate novel solutions.

— AGI has the potential for self-improvement, able to learn from experience and refine its abilities autonomously.
— Narrow AI is typically static in capability, with improvements requiring manual updates or reprogramming.

Latest on Figure 01: The Frontier in Humanoid Robotics

As the video begins, we’re introduced to Figure 01, a humanoid robot standing at an impressive height of 5 feet 6 inches and weighing 132 pounds. Its robust build and payload capacity of up to 44 pounds, combined with a swift speed of 1.2 meters per second (approximately 2.7 miles per hour), showcase its potential for diverse tasks with exceptional efficiency.

Conversation Capabilities:

Figure 01’s conversation capabilities are highlighted as it engages effortlessly with humans. Utilizing OpenAI’s large language models, it seamlessly processes multi-modal input, demonstrating high-level visual and language intelligence. The interactions flow naturally, with Figure 01 providing prompt and accurate responses, showcasing its prowess as an AGI-enabled robot.

Neural Network Precision:

The demonstration emphasizes Figure 01’s precision and agility, powered by advanced neural networks. It executes actions with remarkable speed and accuracy, thanks to its sophisticated AI algorithms. These neural networks ensure low-latency responses, enabling Figure 01 to navigate various environments with ease and efficiency.

Should we worry about it??

As advancements in AI and AGI continue to accelerate, questions arise about the implications for society and humanity as a whole. On one hand, these advancements hold the promise of revolutionizing industries, driving scientific discovery, and enhancing our quality of life. AI-powered technologies can streamline processes, improve efficiency, and even save lives in fields like healthcare and transportation. Moreover, AGI has the potential to tackle complex global challenges, from climate change to disease eradication, with unprecedented intelligence and agility.

Pros and Cons of Advancements in AI and AGI:

However, alongside these benefits come valid concerns and potential drawbacks. The rapid proliferation of AI raises questions about job displacement and economic inequality, as automation threatens to render certain professions obsolete and exacerbate existing disparities. Moreover, there are ethical considerations surrounding AI, including issues of bias, privacy, and accountability. As AI systems become increasingly autonomous and capable of decision-making, ensuring transparency and fairness in their operations becomes paramount.

Challenges and Opportunities of AGI:

When it comes to AGI, the stakes are even higher. While AGI holds the promise of solving some of humanity’s most pressing problems, its potential for exponential growth and unforeseen consequences raises existential questions. Concerns about the control and alignment of AGI with human values loom large, as does the fear of AGI surpassing human intelligence and autonomy, potentially leading to unintended outcomes or even existential risks.

Innovation and Responsibility in AI and AGI Development:

In navigating the future of AI and AGI, it’s crucial to strike a balance between innovation and responsibility. Proactively addressing ethical, social, and safety considerations can help mitigate potential risks and ensure that AI and AGI developments are aligned with the best interests of humanity. By fostering collaboration between researchers, policymakers, and stakeholders, we can harness the transformative power of AI and AGI while safeguarding against unintended consequences.


As we venture into the era of AI and AGI, it’s essential to approach these technologies with cautious optimism. While the potential benefits are immense, so too are the risks. By proactively addressing ethical concerns, promoting transparency, and fostering responsible innovation, we can harness the full potential of AI and AGI to create a brighter future for humanity. With careful stewardship, we can navigate the complexities of AI development and ensure that these technologies serve the common good.



Haroon Ahmad

Hi there, I'm Haroon Ahmad from Pakistan! I'm currently pursuing a BS in Software Engineering at Hazara University, with a focus on Data Engineering