harpermaddoxHow to run a Customer InterviewYou’ve got an awesome idea and I’m sure you’re antsy to build it ASAP. But before you jump into product development, do your homework and…Jun 7, 2017Jun 7, 2017
harpermaddoxinART + marketingLearning What Customers WantAs a startup founder I need to know if we are building the right product or focusing on the right feature. Our resources are limited and we…Jun 6, 2017Jun 6, 2017
harpermaddoxinHackerNoon.comThe Building Blocks of AIA few weeks ago, I wrote about how and why I was learning Machine Learning, mainly through Andrew Ng’s Coursera course. Now I’m checking…Apr 21, 20178Apr 21, 20178
harpermaddoxinHackerNoon.comHow I’m learning “Machine Learning”In the past year, I’ve become convinced that machine learning is not hype. Strong AI/AGI is no longer a requirement for complex tasks. It…Mar 3, 20176Mar 3, 20176
harpermaddoxDesign Patterns: ObserverThe Observer Pattern is the first in my series of blogs on programming design patterns. I’m reading through Head First Design Patterns…Feb 5, 2017Feb 5, 2017
harpermaddoxinTowards Data ScienceHow I test Ruby APIs in a non-Rails environmentI’ve been programming in Ruby for almost 5 years, but (gasp) don’t use Ruby on Rails. Even though Sinatra is a great framework, it can be…Jan 31, 20173Jan 31, 20173
harpermaddoxinHackerNoon.comFuck it, Ship it.In engineering, we live and die by shipping. If we aren’t shipping code, we are either doing somebody else’s job (marketing, product…Jan 21, 20171Jan 21, 20171
harpermaddoxIntercom taught our enterprise startup the right way to do SAASThree months ago we took our enterprise technology and created a new SAAS product, the Healthy Living Soundboard. We’ve tried SAAS twice…Jan 7, 2017Jan 7, 2017
harpermaddoxFOMO on KnowledgeI live by the Pareto Principle (80/20 rule). It’s how I work (quick, high impact wins), how I code (Ruby), how I exercise (circuits of…Dec 30, 2016Dec 30, 2016
harpermaddoxAMZNI needed to place the new money in my 2016 Roth IRA, so I bought some Amazon (AMZN) last week. The market is underrating the stock (hard to…Dec 27, 2016Dec 27, 2016