TrumPooning Tunes

Trump Sings “Whatever Oprah Wants”

Harper Thorpe
Resistance Poetry
Published in
1 min readJan 9, 2018



Inspired by and sung to Sarah Vaughan’sWhatever Lola Wants

Whatever Oprah wants, Oprah gets
Your Time is Up, real-deal Oprah wants you
Be gone your crim’nal mind (Be gone your crim’nal mind)
Fraud inclined (Fraud inclined)
So swamp entwined
Time you resigned, you’re through

It’s heart and soul
She norm’ly aims for
Since you have voids there
She’ll just aim lower

Whatever Oprah wants (Oprah wants)
Oprah gets (Oprah gets)
Your own Me Too’s
Expose your ruse, you can’t win
You’ve been exposed as Bannon’s tool
She’s presidential, not your fool .. give in
(Give in, Your sin can’t win)

Whatever Oprah wants
Oprah gets

[Instrumental Interlude]

She’ll banish you, a fan of Roy Moore
And we can’t afford
What Putin paid for

Whatever Oprah wants (Oprah wants)
Oprah gets (Oprah gets)
Give up your scam
Your Oval sham, Putin’s twin

You’re no exception to the rule
Democracy will outlast you … give in
(Swamp King, You’ll never win)

Give in (Give in, Throw towel in)
Give in (Give in, Oprah wins)

©2018 HHThorpe

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Harper Thorpe
Resistance Poetry

Engaged citizen, poet, musician, humorist, family man. I value irreverence, soulfulness, and a big heart. Offering insight, introspection, shock & aw shucks!