Set Your Priorities

Harrish Santhuruselvan
4 min readMar 26, 2024


In life there are many things that get our attention, energy, time, and affection. We tend to feel like we have wasted certain aspects of our life on those things, and tend to feel stress when we don’t get to focus or give time for the things that truly matter in our life.

Believing that we have to do everything on our plates to be considered productive or achieve a meaningful life, where in reality we are striving away from our peace and happiness. The absolute truth is that no one is able to achieve this perfectionist mindset of doing multiple things and expect to get the maximum results.

We have to face the fact that we need to sacrifice certain things to achieve or be able to spend most of our time on another. We are humans after all, and our time is short in the long run, to try to achieve everything we ever want to. There need to be many variables that must be taken into consideration such as lifestyle, environment, finance, education, and relationships with other people. That is why it is crucial to Set Your Priorities. Setting your priorities on things that makes you happy, that works towards your goals, and brings you closer and closer to allow you to achieve your destiny in life.

Honestly, during my academic pursuits, and my fitness journey having this mindset or setting my priorities has been the biggest game changer. I have been able to see progress and be satisfied with my life. I have been able to give my time and effort into things that I find valuable and not to things that are or deceived me to be valuable or worth my time.

For example, I love to learn, read, and write. I want to make sure that I am able to adopt a philosophy that will carry me through life and possibly pass it on to others to follow or learn from. I have a specific interest in certain topics or subjects, and thus I will spend most of my energy on learning those disciplines.

Someone who is in the Humanities wouldn’t want to put their energy into mastering Quantum Mechanics, Nuclear Reactions, and the Binding Energy Formula (those things are pretty cool to learn though). Instead they will master the arts of linguistics, rhetoric's, rational dialectic and analyzing literature in the mindset of a philosopher or educator.

Setting one’s priority comes with a lot of liberty, a lot of freedom for them to pursue the life that they want. Finding peace, and not being restrictive in living with regulations or set expectations. With setting priorities, you will have a set goal and objective. You will have the tendency of being driven and internally motivated.

Life is short to worry about other insignificant matters that in the long term or in the total equation, it doesn’t mean anything. Setting priorities is crucial, it is the difference between people who are successful in life, and people who are “running their wheels” or participating in a cyclical system of suffering.

Another thing with setting your priorities is the notion of being non-comparison and satisfied with oneself. We all have different purposes and paths to follow. Yet, it can be true that our external circumstances shape our purpose or path, but it’s important to believe that humans have the choice to break free from such restrictions and make the best out of it. Coming back to the notion of killing our comparison mindset that causes us to suffer. When we set our priorities, we will only focus or compare our achievements, actions, labour, and our objectives that we want to achieve.

An example can be a bodybuilder that likes to read and write and a successful author that works out three times per week and follows a healthy diet. Both individuals have different pursuits and purposes in life. The bodybuilder sets his priorities to build muscles, shape his body composition regarding the competition, and expand his performance in his lifts or knowledge of lifting.

The author sets his priorities to write daily, go on adventures to expand his creativity, go to lessons or network with other writers to expand his knowledge of literature and publications. Both successful individuals have different priorities that lead them to their purpose, and if you haven’t noticed, the “bodybuilder”, the “author” are labels that humans obtain through their purpose or destiny, that are derived from their set priorities in life.

In short, set your priorities, and you will have a satisfying life that tends to have more peace and happiness and less suffering and negativity. It will be easy if you really think about it. Take the time to reflect on yourself, and think about the things you love to do, think about the things you want to achieve or things that you want to obtain. But most importantly, find the connections, the patterns, because in truth, those are the things that show your purpose in life. Those connections will then turn into your priorities and you will begin your life with a focused mind or objective.

