What will be in Project Neptune BETA

Harrison Hesslink
3 min readMay 30, 2018


Photo by Caspar Rubin on Unsplash

What is Project Neptune?

Project Neptune is a platform that will allow streamers to allow incoming donations with Triton. However, Project Neptune is much much more than that. Viewers love to help and support their favorite streamers. So why not allow viewers to watch…earn…donate. Project Neptune will launch a standalone client and a chrome extension that will allow viewers to mine Triton while they watch their stream, uninterrupted. This will allow viewers to support their favorite streamer for just watching them stream. There is no separate streaming service just an add-on to the browser or downloading a client.

The Viewer

We want the viewer to have control of their system. A viewer will have the option to: Mine for the streamer, Mine for themselves, or not mine at all. You can switch to any of those modes with a click of a button. The client/extension will monitor available resources and will make sure that it does not create lag for the viewer.

These features are not available at this time.

The Streamer

Streamers will be able to do a quick sign up and get right into accepting donations. Grab their unique url and put that link on a twitch panel. This URL will direct the viewer to a page that will ask them for their name, transaction hash and amount. The streamer will also grab their BrowserSource URL which they will put in their stream. This allows for the on-screen alerts. A viewer will grab the Triton address provided, send the transaction, copy the transaction hash, paste the hash in the form and submit. In a few moments the alert will pop up on the streamers screen through the BrowserSource URL.

These features(under development) are available at this time.

Neptune On-Screen Alert

Project Neptune ALPHA

ALPHA Dashboard on a 4k monitor

Project Neptune Alpha started on April 4th as a way to get some user feedback and test out some of the features. The Alpha version included basic features as On-Screen alerts, customized GIF/sound and a basic dashboard. All of these features were either under development or needed to be polished.

Project Neptune BETA

BETA Dashboard on a 4k monitor

Project Neptune BETA is in the workings and is already smoother and more user friendly. Added features will be: automatic payments, custom fonts, custom font color, custom animations, better upload feature for GIF/sound, referral system for streamers, custom text. Features that will be improved on: On-Screen alerts and dashboard.

Project Neptune BETA will be released by Q3.


Project Neptune will be a huge use case for Triton and bridge the gap between viewer and streamer.


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Triton Address: Tw1ZX9YXQD2Qm569E9nhTiho5NazHFY54GyQihpDYdWbguKibTpcuh6PHyuu5QhJoiQXGwvkfuY7wRWBq7PgiQuS11CbNVJrD

Bitcoin Address: 1J1DsXJkjfuryFijxpzoJv481MYXozL5tW

Ethereum Address: 0xbCe727A7272dD60e97aF7286785dE6Ab166890ac



Harrison Hesslink

Lead Developer for Triton Project, a cryptocurrency focused on revolutionizing the eSports and online content streaming industries.