SEO York: Get Your York Business to #1 in Google

Harry Boxhall
4 min readAug 21, 2019


If you are a York business and you want to get more traffic from Google.

You’re definitely in the right place.

Simply put, this is a layman’s guide on how to achieve just that.

Think of it as ‘a spade-is-a-spade’ guide to SEO for York.

There’s no fluff here.

No mention of “Rankbrain”, “Crawl rates” and “404 error pages”. A simple ‘ what you need to really know in order to rank your website’.

I mean — are these important SEO terms? Sure.

Are they crucial to you ranking? Not really.

Do you need to know what all these terms mean in order to rank your website, get traffic and generate more leads and make more sales? Absolutely not.

You’re only going to know what-you-need-to-know to rank your website.

That said if you do have any questions at all.

Then by all means just — reach out to me. I’ll be more than happy to answer.

I’m Harry, an SEO Consultant who has been freelancing for the past 5 years, however, took up SEO just over 10 years ago. I’ve worked at an SEO agency as a Senior SEO Account Manager and have progressed to become the Head of SEO for a national retailer.

What is SEO?

Before, we get into how we can help your website rank better.

It’s best to first get an understanding of what essentially makes up SEO and what we are trying to achieve with it.

There are basically just three components to keep in mind: On Page SEO, Technical SEO and Off Page SEO.

i) On Page SEO.

This is simply the content that the user sees on your website, it’s literally what you are reading right now.

It’s the text, the images, the videos and how it serves the user’s search query.

Basically, anything you can actually see as a ‘searcher’.

It’s why when you searched for “SEO York”, this article turned up. It’s used in the Title at the top.

You can see literally above too that I mentioned SEO York in the content.

ii) Technical SEO

SEO agencies and the like, try to make it sound ‘way’ more complicated than it is.

Throwing jargon terms at you along with a bunch of acronyms.

What it really boils down to simply is how Google is looking at your website. And if you pretended to be Google for just a second — what would you want to see from a good website?

  • A website that loads quickly?
  • A website that is secure for the user?
  • A website that doesn’t show dead pages when a user clicks on them?

These are all things that get resolved from a technical point of view. We will get into more detail just below but that’s essentially what Google is looking for.

iii) Off Page SEO

This mainly refers to backlinks.

A backlink is simply where one website links to another. For instance, this right here is a backlink going to my LinkedIn Page.

And the more you have from quality websites.

The more valuable that your website is seen by Google — and the more likely you are to actually rank your website for your chosen keyword.

The Three Components of SEO

See, here’s the thing.

The crucial thing to remember.

Is that you NEED all three aspects.

SEO really just doesn’t work at least as well as it could without all three of those components.

Think of it this way…

Your website can have an excellent Off Page SEO performance.

What does this mean?

It’s basically got great links from sites like The Guardian, York Press, and York Mix etc.

However, if you have little to no content on your actual website — and is just full of images and videos without any content?

How can you expect Google to understand exactly what your website is about?

If you are a York-based plumber but you have only have a single line of text, you’re not giving Google much to go on — in order for it to understand your website.

This would be poor On Page SEO.


If you start to write about all the different services that you offer. Include testimonials from previous customers. Provide context to the images that you have uploaded. Demonstrated accreditations and awards you might have won.

You’re now giving Google a lot more information for it work with.

And in turn, has more faith in serving you higher up the rankings as it has more trust in the website that it is presenting to ‘their’ users.

‘Their’ users, of course, being the ones searching for your website.

On the other hand.

(If you are looking to learn more about Ecommerce SEO and SEO itself, then I’ve got to carry out a shameless self plug to my ecommerceseo school.

I also provide SEO services in Harrogate.

