Why Your Business Needs a Mobile App?

Harry Doyal
4 min readJun 22, 2022


If you think mobile apps are solely for big brands like Amazon, Facebook, Uber, etc., you need to think again. In today’s digitized world, having a mobile app for your business is no longer a luxury but a necessity. A mobile app can help you boost your brand visibility, connect with your target audience, and drive more sales.

In reality, many small firms you contact daily now have their mobile app, whether little coffee shops or day spas. However, these firms are ahead of the curve in taking their digital marketing to the next level. Professional mobile app design services will help you develop an aesthetically pleasing mobile app and enable you to achieve your business goals.

But wait, you might say, I already have a responsive website. Isn’t that enough?

The answer is NO. In today’s mobile-first world, only having a website is not enough. You need a mobile app to stay ahead of the competition and be visible to your target audience. Here are some reasons why your business needs a mobile app.

Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Mobile App

1. Be Visual to Customers at All Times

Statistics show that people spend most of their time on mobile devices. In fact, according to a report, people spend an average of 3 hours and 15 minutes on their smartphones every day. Although probably only a small percentage of the overall usage, this does not negate the fact that each user must unlock, scroll, and scan their device for the apps they are looking for.

With a mobile app, you can always be visible to your target audience. Your app icon will be right there whenever they unlock their phones, staring them in the face. And since people are more likely to use an app than browse a website on their mobile devices, you’re more likely to get noticed with a mobile app.

2. Create a Direct Marketing Channel for Your Business

Apps may provide information, cost estimates, booking forms, search capabilities, user accounts, messengers, news feeds, and other features.

The most significant advantage of having a mobile app is that all the information you want to provide your consumers, including special sales and discounts, is readily available. In addition, with push notifications, you may reach out to your consumers closer and more readily remind them about your items and services when appropriate.

A mobile app development company will help you develop an engaging and interactive app that will serve as a direct marketing channel for your business.

3. Provide Value to Your Customers

When it comes to on-hand information, how about digitizing your existing loyalty program? Instead of relying on the outdated point-collection card, allow your clients to collect their rewards via your mobile app. The consequence? More downloads, more customers, and, consequently, more business.

A mobile app is a great way to provide value to your customers. You can use it to offer loyalty rewards, discounts, and other incentives to keep them returning for more.

A digital agency will help you design an app that is visually appealing, user-friendly, and interactive so your customers can get the most out of it.

4. Build Brand Recognition

A mobile app for your company may help you increase brand recognition. We would like to discuss these two aspects separately because when they’re combined, they create a winning app:

  • Brand: A mobile application is like a blank billboard sign that you can decorate however you choose. You may make it attractive, modern, useful, bold, or educational, whatever you want. But the real objective is to develop an app with features your consumers will enjoy that are well branded and visually appealing.
  • Recognition: The more you can get consumers involved with your app, the more likely they will buy your product or service. In marketing, the “effective frequency” is a number that refers to how often you hear or see your brand. As a rule of thumb, hearing and seeing your brand 20 times is enough to get you noticed.

5. Increase Customer Interaction and Involvement

Whether you’re selling chocolates or spa services, your clients need a way to contact you. Your application’s messaging (or help desk) functionality may significantly impact how you interact with your consumers.

Including a chatbot in your web app is also a fantastic way to increase customer interaction. You can use it to provide recommendations, answer frequently asked questions, or even take orders.

6. Stand Out From the Crowd

Today, mobile apps for small businesses are still relatively uncommon, and this is where you may have a real opportunity to stand out from the crowd.

While your competitors are still trying to figure out how to get started, you may already have a fantastic app in the store that helps you engage with your consumers, build brand recognition, and increase sales.

7. Cultivate Customer Loyalty

A mobile app is an excellent tool for building customer loyalty. But, unfortunately, with all the advertising in the world — roadside signs, billboards, flashing signage, newspaper ads, flyers, coupons, websites, website banners, Facebook advertisements, and email marketing — we gradually lose our impact on clients as a result of the huge number of advertisings surrounding us.

It’s time to reconnect with your consumers and develop a real and meaningful relationship to make them your loyal customers.

The Bottom Line

Are you yet convinced that your business needs a mobile app? We hope so! The advantages are pretty clear. If you’re looking for a mobile app development company to help you create a top-notch app for your business, get in touch with Alpha BPO.

Alpha BPO is a leading provider of mobile app development services. They have a team of experienced developers who can turn your app idea into reality. Contact us today to get started.



Harry Doyal

Working as a Marketing Manager at Alpha BPO. We are a leading digital agency in the Netherlands. Our mission is to provide quality outsourcing services.