When talking about serious staff, can you talk face to face, or, dare you?

Harry He
2 min readDec 10, 2017


People love to comment, either in YouTube, Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, or Instagram.

When it comes to serious topic, no matter how serious the post is, there are always quite amount of inappropriate comments. For example, a policeman died in a gun fight, there is always someone who makes fun of the hero. For terrorist attacks, many comments are intentionally to lead to hatred and anger.

Platforms are trying to avoid inappropriate by enabling user report mechanism. Like Facebook, you can report the comments you are not comfortable with, and hopefully, you will see less and less comments like those.

But, no mater how they try, comments are still a mess. The fundamentally reason is: those platforms are not built for serious talk, but only for entertainment. People use Twitter, Reddit, Facebook mostly for fun, and read news. They don’t expect a serious talk on them, which usually happen in real life, when talk face to face to each other.

As we are more involved in digital life, probably a platform replicate the real life serious talk should come up. This should be different than existing social media, this should force people to talk to their real identity, and let them take account for their words, or at least mentally.

So how can we do that?

Just talk face to face. This is the idea of Greo (https://greo.com/#home). And here is my redesign.

Here is the home page.

Minimal text attached, only title is required, and people need to watch the video to learn the content.

The core part is commenting page.

People can only reply in videos, or Animoji if they want to keep some privacy. By doing so, people have to reveal their voice, face, and emotion when commenting. It’s heavy in terms of user interaction, but it’s essential to regulate a serious community.

No text is allowed. And why we even need text in the first place? It’s the replicate of the real life, no one is texting to each other when they are talking face to face. We simply bring this form of conversation online.

This is a new area of social media, and what important is the concept. When facing millions with your real face, do you, or dare you still making inappropriate comments?

