Role of Proofreading in Essay Writing.

Harry Jacob
3 min readSep 21, 2020


Essay writing is a genre of writing in which an essay writer has to express his thoughts, ideas, emotions and feelings, suggestions, and recommendations.

In all academic institutes, essay writing has become an essential subject in all kinds of degree programs. It plays a vital role in enhancing the thinking ability of students to a greater extent.

Writing is a skill that can be learned quickly. Although there is no rocket science involved in mastering writing skills, yet it is a time taking process and cannot be learned overnight.

It demands persistence, hard work, determination, and motivation form a student to achieve the aim of becoming a top-echelon writer.

If you’re a neophyte writer and struggling to write top-notch essays, worry not because your struggle is the indication of moving in the right direction. It encourages a writer to work hard and keep putting the writing efforts.

Sometimes, even professional writers struggle a lot while expressing their thoughts in a significant way. Newbie writers perceive struggling while writing a handy essay as an alarming situation, which is a wrong perception.

The key to becoming a top-echelon writer is to subdue weak areas of writing and converting those weaknesses into strengths.

No writer has the gene of Shakespeare, and every writer makes a typo and grammatical mistakes while writing a detailed essay. No writer writes error-free essays. The key is to remove those errors to present the essay in a remarkable way.

It is imperative for all writers to strictly follow the process of proofreading. It is a process of looking for all kinds of mistakes related to writing, which a writer makes while expressing his thoughts.

A large number of students who are at the initial stage of writing often neglect the importance of proofreading the content. They consider it a secondary step to follow only when they get time after completing the writing task. This approach is wrong. A writer must allocate some time for revising the content once he is done writing a comprehensive essay.

When a writer doesn’t get time to look for typos, it leaves an unprofessional image on his readers. A writer must ensure that he completes the writing task before the allocated time and then revise it thoroughly before publishing it on a blog.

Moreover, a writer must not ignore minute errors. No error or mistake is minor in essay writing. Little errors devastate the whole writing effort of a writer.

In addition, a student at the initial stage of writing makes a common mistake of ignoring the importance of proofreading. Despite having profound knowledge about the assigned topic for essay writing and extraordinary writing skills, he fails to get top-grades by their teachers.

Sometimes, he asks others to write my essay instead of completing the task himself so that he can get good grades in the assignment. Such a student must look for typos once he is done with writing a comprehensive essay. It makes a big difference in making the content error-free.

Proofreading ensures that the written content is free of awkward linguistic errors. It helps in erasing spelling mistakes, misplaced commas, and punctuation errors. Moreover, it also guides a student to use more accurate words by replacing vague, unnecessary, and mundane ones.

It is a final step of editing papers. If a student doesn’t follow this step after writing the whole essay, it simply means that he is allowing the errors to float in the essay to ruin the credibility and writing effort.

Typos, grammatical errors and use of incorrect words multiply the writing effort that includes brainstorming and research work to zero.



Harry Jacob

I am a highly qualified IT person. I graduated in Computer Science from New York Institute of Technology. My hobbies include painting, music and reading.