3 Ways to Integrate RedStone Oracles

Yellow KING
3 min readJul 17, 2024



RedStone oracles are essential components in blockchain ecosystems, providing decentralized and reliable data feeds to smart contracts. They ensure that smart contracts can access real-time external data, such as asset prices, weather information, and sports statistics. This data is crucial for the accurate and efficient operation of smart contracts.

Why RedStone Oracles Matter

The reliability and accuracy of data provided by oracles are vital for the proper functioning of blockchain networks. RedStone oracles are designed to be trustworthy sources of information, ensuring that smart contracts receive dependable data.

Integration Methods

There are three main ways to integrate RedStone oracles into blockchain platforms:

  1. RedStone Core
  • Dynamic Data Injection RedStone Core dynamically injects data into user transactions, making the process highly efficient in terms of gas usage. This integration method allows the data to be automatically appended to user transactions, ensuring a seamless user experience.
  • Installation and Usage To integrate RedStone Core, you need to install the necessary packages and adjust your smart contracts and JavaScript code to include data extraction and verification libraries. This involves minimal changes to your existing code, ensuring a smooth integration process.
  • Benefits This method is the most mature way to use RedStone, protecting significant amounts of DeFi protocols’ total value locked (TVL) across multiple mainnets. It is highly efficient and has been tested in production environments.

2. RedStone Classic

  • Traditional On-Chain Data Push RedStone Classic pushes data on-chain through a relayer, catering to protocols that prefer the traditional Oracle model. This approach gives protocols full control over data sources and update conditions.
  • How It Works A relayer periodically pushes data on-chain based on predefined conditions. On-chain contracts handle storing and updating price feeds, ensuring data validation and security.
  • Benefits RedStone Classic allows for more control over data updates and is suitable for protocols with well-audited codebases that prefer minimal changes. It is ideal for environments with low gas costs or where prices do not need frequent updates.

3. RedStone X

  • Extreme Protection Against Front-Running RedStone X eliminates front-running risks by providing price feeds at the next block after user interactions. This method is ideal for advanced protocols like perpetuals and derivatives.
  • Deferred Execution Pattern Transactions are processed in two phases: a request phase where the user’s intention is recorded, and an execution phase where the transaction is completed with the latest price data.
  • Benefits RedStone X ensures that transactions are protected from front-running and other forms of manipulation. It is especially beneficial for protocols that require high-frequency and high-precision data updates.


RedStone oracles provide essential data services for blockchain applications, ensuring that smart contracts can access accurate and reliable external information. By integrating RedStone Core, Classic, or X, developers can enhance the functionality and security of their decentralized applications. Each integration method offers unique benefits, allowing developers to choose the approach that best suits their specific needs and requirements.

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