Understanding the Instagram Algorithm: How to Optimize Your Posts and Reels

4 min readMar 17, 2023

Instagram has become one of the most popular social media platforms, with over a billion monthly active users. As such, it has become an essential tool for individuals, businesses, and brands to share their content and connect with their audiences. However, with the constantly evolving Instagram algorithm, it can be challenging to understand how to optimize your posts and reels to reach your desired audience.

In this article, we’ll explore the Instagram algorithm, how it works for both posts and reels, and provide tips on how to increase your followers on the platform.

Instagram Algorithm for Posts:

The Instagram algorithm is continually changing, but the primary goal remains the same: to show users the content they’re most interested in, based on their behavior and engagement on the platform. In essence, the algorithm determines which posts appear on a user’s feed and in what order. It does this by analyzing various factors, including:

Relevance: The Instagram algorithm prioritizes posts that it thinks will be relevant to users based on their interests, previous behavior, and engagement history.

Engagement: Posts that generate higher engagement rates (likes, comments, shares, saves) will likely be given a higher ranking in the algorithm.

Timeliness: The Instagram algorithm also takes into account the time that the post was uploaded. Fresh content that is uploaded at a time when a user is most active on the platform is more likely to appear on their feed.

Relationships: Instagram also looks at the relationship between the user and the content creator. If a user frequently engages with a particular creator’s content, the algorithm is more likely to show that user more of their content.

Instagram Algorithm for Reels:

Instagram Reels is the platform’s latest feature, launched in 2020, and it has quickly become a popular way for creators and brands to share short-form video content. The Reels algorithm works slightly differently than the algorithm for regular Instagram posts. Here are some of the factors that the algorithm considers when recommending Reels to users:

Interest: The algorithm looks at the user’s interests and past behavior on the platform to recommend Reels that they’re likely to enjoy.

Engagement: Reels that generate high engagement rates (likes, comments, shares) are more likely to be recommended to other users.

Originality: The algorithm also considers the originality and creativity of the Reels content. Videos that use Instagram’s creative tools, like music, filters, and effects, are more likely to be recommended.

Timeliness: Like with regular Instagram posts, the algorithm also considers the time that the Reel was uploaded.

Tips to Increase Instagram Followers:

Now that you understand how the Instagram algorithm works for posts and Reels, here are some tips to help you increase your followers on the platform:

Post Consistently: Posting regularly and consistently is essential to keep your followers engaged and to attract new followers. Use Instagram Insights to determine the best times to post, based on your audience’s behavior and engagement.

Engage with Your Audience: Respond to comments and messages, like and comment on other users’ posts, and use Instagram’s engagement features (e.g., polls, questions, and quizzes) to encourage interaction with your followers.

Use Hashtags: Hashtags can help your content get discovered by users who are searching for specific topics. Use relevant hashtags, but don’t overdo it. Instagram recommends using 9–12 hashtags per post.

Collaborate with Other Creators: Collaborating with other creators can help you reach new audiences and attract new followers. Consider collaborating on a project or doing a shoutout exchange with another creator in your niche.

Utilize Instagram’s Features: Instagram’s features, such as Stories, IGTV, and Reels, can help you showcase your




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