Leadership Principles

1 min readJun 7, 2024



People — It all starts and ends with the people.

  • Care genuinely for the people you interact with, and the ones you don’t. Be direct, don’t manipulate, don’t play games, don’t be a jerk.
  • Play long-term games with long-term people. Create win-win opportunities.

Pace — Speed is life.

  • Maximize action over time.
  • If the launch doesn’t embarrass you, you are moving too slow.

Precision — Minimize the entropy.

  • Make well-aware data-driven decisions. Know what you are doing.
  • Minimize the delta between thoughts and action, over time.


Fun — Work must not feel like work.

  • Prioritize health, both physical and mental over anything else.
  • Do not do anything that you are not having fun doing, not even for a day.

Fearless — Never be afraid of taking the harder route.

  • Take complete ownership of all actions — do it on your name.
  • Take high risks, seek high rewards.


One life — Stay away from the dichotomy of work and life.

  • Do not fall for the work-life balance. The work and the rest of the life must blend into one single life experience.
  • Seek flexibility in life and work over time and space.


No regrets — Set yourself up to die without regrets.

  • Whenever faced with a dilemma, choose the option that minimizes regrets in the long run.

