How I went from 10 connection to 1k+ connections on LinkedIn

2 min readJul 12, 2022


LinkedIn logo by unsplash
LinkedIn logo by Unsplash

What is LinkedIn ?

LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional networking website. You can use it to build connections in your industry and to stay in touch with colleagues, past and present, college friends, etc.

Many of us know that LinkedIn is best way to connect to worldwide audience but for beginner it’s just sometimes not easy to make network or connections. So lets start with some tips.


1st: Your Profile picture

The First thing which people notice is your profile picture.
Your profile picture should be simple and professional, I mean the photograph you submit in Schools and Colleges, the Passport size photograph, something like that.
It should have clear background with no or less distraction.

2nd: Headline

You should be clear what you need to become or what you aspire to do or have done, For eg: Blogger, Product designer, Poet, Accountant, Author, etc.
This helps you to out-stand from others since you have clearly mention your thoughts.

3rd: Background picture

It should be describing your professional career thoughts, For eg: If i am Designer, my background will be a design or some illustrations which rely on my profession. For Writer, they can have book or writing photos.

4th: Education and Experience

This is Required because your batchmates and colleagues, your seniors, your juniors, etc can easily find you because of the information or you get suggestion basis on your schools, colleges, or job.

Thus, this must be enough to start get growing.

PS: For your reference you can go through my Linkedin profile.


Making Connection is Easy but how to do is the effort, which takes times but knowing things make it easier.

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