LXC vs Docker & LXC 101

Harsh Manvar
3 min readJan 9, 2021

linuxcontainers.org is the umbrella project behind LXC, LXD, and LXCFS.

The goal is to offer a distro and vendor-neutral environment for the development of Linux container technologies.

Lxc main focus is system containers. Containers which offer an environment as close as possible as the one you’d get from a VM but without the overhead that comes with running a separate kernel and simulating all the hardware.

LXC vs Docker

LXC is a container technology that provides you lightweight Linux containers and while Docker is a single application virtualization engine based on the container. They may sound similar but are entirely different.

Unlike LXC containers Docker containers do no behave like lightweight VMs and can’t be treated. Docker containers are restricted to one application (Php, python, lamp, Nginx).

You can SSH (log in) to your LXC container, treat it as an OS, and install your application and services and it will work as expected. you can not do this with Docker containers. Docker base OS template is pared right down to one app environment and doesn’t have a proper init or support things like services, daemons, Syslog, corn, or running multiple applications.

Getting started with LXC :



Harsh Manvar

Engineer @ Oracle | Docker Captain | CNCF Ambassador, Don’t hesitate to contact on : https://www.linkedin.com/in/harsh-manvar-64a30aa3/