Simplifying the Kubernetes Development with Docker Desktop & Kind

Harsh Manvar
2 min readJul 3, 2023

The best option now for quickly starting and managing containers for development is Docker Desktop.

Docker Desktop & Kubernetes

Although the Docker team’s verified K8s version is included with Docker Desktop. We’ll be looking at how to alter the default K8s version to the one you like in this post.

While it is not advised, you can alter the K8s version to the most recent release that is available; nevertheless, if you are testing with the most recent K8s release, it’s required. There is two option you can change or update K8s release version into the DD (Docker desktop)

▶️ kubectl version (default suggested by the Docker team)

▶️ Kind cluster

Kubectl CLI upgrade

The recommendation is to update your local of the Kubectl CLI to the K8s release that you are interested in working with.

When the DD is restarted k8s version will be upgraded by the Docker desktop, and the cluster’s master & worker of K8s will also be upgraded automatically.

Kind Cluster

Additionally, you can utilize Kind to control the K8s release version while Docker from DD is being used in the background.

If you are one Mac you can install it with

brew install kind

now create a kind cluster directly which will schedule PODs and use Docker in the background

kind create cluster

Verify cluster is up & running



Harsh Manvar

Engineer @ Oracle | Docker Captain | CNCF Ambassador, Don’t hesitate to contact on :