Overthinking vs deep thinking

3 min readOct 6, 2022


When it comes to thinking we all have different opinions, there are thousands of ways through which a human thinks.

Most probably almost everyone one of us has the same problem , overthinking while a few of us follow the concept of deep thinking.

So what should be the ideal one for you ? Is it overthinking or deep thinking? Let’s discuss each of them in detail.

Overthinking :- Trap of human mind

Overthinking is nothing but the ability of yourself to extend your thoughts to a high level.

Overthinking is somewhat a waste of time because you get nothing other than stress, anxiety, fear of the future and much more.

Overthinking creates a scenario of future cases, maybe a good one or a bad one, it just extends a situation where you feel like what will happen now ?I am stuck! My life has become hell !.

These types of thoughts come in our mind and they are nothing other than a piece of imagination but these thoughts are enough to destroy your positivity.

So if you are an over thinker then you are on the wrong path because you are destroying your thinking capabilities and making yourself mentally weak.

Stop Overthinking as it lowers your IQ and makes you more stressed and anxious.

Deep thinking :- Gateway to next level ideas

On the other hand deep thinking is the source of new ideas and inspiration, it is said that new ideas come when you are alone.

Alone doesn’t mean just sitting, it simply means thinking deeply about something.

Deep thinking simply means thinking about all consequences and then coming to a conclusion, thinking about ideas, thinking about process not on the result is the base of deep thinking.

Deep thinking can be of anything it can be regarding your studies, about your career, about your goals and anything.

Deep work makes you think about each and every case that can happen with you. So it becomes important to use deep thinking as a source of inspiration when you are in a dilemma.

Difference between Overthinking and deep thinking

Deep thinking has great benefits when it comes sto thinking, see there is a very thick line between Overthinking and deep thinking.

As both methods involve thinking about any situation to an extended level, do you know what makes deep thinking better? It is a deep thinker that overcomes stress and anxiety.

A deep thinker understands the best and worst case scenario and works to improve himself avoiding the worst case scenario. On the contrary an over thinker creates an imagination of thoughts where he is stuck in the worst situations.

An over thinker just takes stress; he never tries to improve himself from his mistake.

That’s the major difference between a deep thinker and an over thinker.

See it’s a very silly question at all you know what you have to do, all you have to do is be a deep thinker.

Use your imagination to think out of the box, use your thoughts to think higher, use deep thinking to become more creative.

Stay on that thick line because as i have said earlier that there is a very thick line between Overthinking and deep thinking so avoid stress and anxiety.

Focus on self improvement.


It’s all about thoughts and thinking, the way you think you will become in your life so think positive and act wise.

Originally published at https://inspirationalblogs45.blogspot.com on October 6, 2022.




Ordinary person trying to be Extraordinary with writing 🤞