Rewinding Year 2022 | Dawn — Part 1

Harsh Gaurav
6 min readDec 30, 2022


This year was fantastic for me, even though It started out rough. I learnt a lot of new things, was focused about gaining as much of experience as I can. And, I would say I didn’t fail in it, given that I am an introvert.

Photo by Moritz Knöringer on Unsplash

I love the last three months of the Year, and month of December takes the cake!

December makes me nostalgic, some random days I go into rewinding my favorite moments from the year. Specially the responses I got from here was so wholesome, that this year single handedly contributed to the most number of compliments I got in my whole lifetime. (This just told how lonely I am.. 😅)

Props to the Medium Community! :D

I will now describe about my journey of this year.

  • Why am I doing this?

I hope this will instil some hope that a person can change or It will just be a fun read, and to later use it as my Time Capsule.

Source: My Journal 2022

January — A once in a lifetime Experience

A starting month of the year, I always think at this time about how my year would go like. I make many promises to myself as everyone does to themselves. Some of these were:

  • not to waste much time
  • to build more connections
  • learn Japanese and other languages

and others are personal :D

Photo by Hello I'm Nik on Unsplash

Visiting Japan has been one of my most longed dream, I think I would add it as my 2023 resolution XD

But the start was not Ideal, A new wave of COVID-19 appeared, I was still wasting much time and was ending my day feeling guilty. I visited my hometown too because of a family loss and spent 3 weeks or so there. That was one of a kind experience to me.

I joined an NGO too, as we had a subject called “Human values and Community Outreach” in which they asked us to join one and send weekly reports on social service done. I was still not ready for it, but joined anyways and made 2–3 friends along way.

Definitely, I was not in the mood to touch the grass, so I provided online services. This occasional deed of goodness lasted till my semester.

February — Getting in touch with Reality

Online classes of my new semester kept on going from Jan start to mid Feb, until the cases dropped.

I personally like online classes as It’s much more flexible, is much more comfortable and saves a lot of time, money and energy. But, that just makes me more lazy.

I was free to create my own lethargic schedule, watched online shows, youtube and passed time a lot. When my college reopened, I was one of the saddest person on Earth.

Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

Offline classes creates much more discipline and allows more social communication. Many people also argue about its level of imparting knowledge with respect to online classes.

However, I have now become more inclined to offline classes.

For this month’s first half I was again busy watching shows and lazing around, but I gradually started learning about Investing, and started doing high school level mathematics to make my brain active (Yes that is one of the tricks which you can try too ;)

Photo by Dan Cristian Pădureț on Unsplash

Don’t ask me about 14 Feb, I have a record of maintaining my loneliness on this day😭

College started again from 17 Feb, which made my schedule more tighter. Here, I write about how I was lonely in college and had no more than 1 or 2 friends.

Then minors came at the gate, and I was a little busy studying. And as all of us remember about Russian attacks and war with Ukraine. It was really shocking that someone could even wage a war in the year 2022 and we should not take lightly of the freedom we enjoy.

March — A push of Confidence

We suffered another family loss, but I had my college to attend. While at home, I prepared a full meal with no kitchen experience and the dish came off great for a newbie.

Till now, I was able to form a group of 4 batchmates (me included) with which I began to usually hangout in college. I occasionally also talked with my close friends back from school. So you see, once I make a friend, she/he becomes precious to me 😇

Photo by Kimson Doan on Unsplash

So after subjected with regular social interactions, my confidence started going up. Still, I was unable to add morning workout in the schedule.

Participated in the College fest’s online competition, which was brave of me. Instagram has been one of my long companion since Dec 2019 but I never shared a story until this month. I found myself more productive than previous months but still wasted a full day frequently.

Photo by Cathryn Lavery on Unsplash

I also began to watch news, catching upon them regularly and quenched my thirst for knowledge for anything I found interesting.

As one of the childhood dreams of mine was to become a man who knows everything 😛

April — Aligning to the Path

Vibing hard at night stole my sleep from the night, but gave enough dopamine for the next days. After achieving some sense of growth mindset and acting toward goals made me feel more up.

I was off to hunting as many opportunities as I can in this month. (This may sound as very life changing but trust me, I was wasting enough time equally to negate all this lol. )

Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

Still I was able to complete a few course, focused more on career, won and participated in few hackathons in team, online. Started putting applications for College Ambassador role (Online) which is often easy to get at Job sites.

My learning graph is steep 📈 and thus, when I decide to learn I try to learn it in least possible time. But, then I also get burnt out quickly.

And came the end of semester, in other words it means piles of work to be done for college. Assignments, presentations, tests etc. but I have survived for 5 semesters, what more can 6th semester offer?

That summed up my first four months, It’s time taking as I have to interpret my journal along the way.

~ Follow Harsh Gaurav for more of such fun reads and a follow back! :D



Harsh Gaurav

I woke up one day ~_~ learnt about Medium O_O and realised how good writing is for me :O I am a simple man ^_^ Read ‘About’ Section for more ✍️(◔◡◔)