Who Am I?

Harsh Gaurav
3 min readJun 13, 2022


I am very free on the internet but my Real life is very different to that! Why did I choose to write about this? I thought, it would be a nice way to answer this question.

Black and White

Everyone has many sides, have you figured yours?

So, Here we go…

How I am on the Internet?

On Internet, I am very enthusiastic about creating content, learning as much as I can, from this network of billions connected to each other. We should really appreciate this invention of humanity from time to time. I know this can also get dark and edgy sometimes but tip of the iceberg really seems hopeful, insightful and makes me curious if you see it through my perspective.

When I am here, I can write almost anything, I can text to anyone and tell him/her how I feel at the moment. I can share what I like and not be wary of what people will think. In my brain, I have imagined two separate persons living at a same time and when I am in real, I am not the person I have created.

How I come off in person?

Let’s imagine this,

You found me in a shop, I am window shopping (because that’s what I do most of time *Clown Emoji*).

You think, is that person me or not, because I am in mask (doesn’t matter if mask is required or not since I have gotten too comfortable with the fact that I can hide my face with it!)

== After this I wrote a cringy conversation which I decided to delete :p ==

Anyways, I will just say that I don’t talk as much in real life, I like to observe people who then provides me with very interesting data (Didn’t mean to sound like a Robot!).

I will rather text someone instead of a call. In a conversation, I zone out, this frequency depends on my mental energy levels. For Most of the part, I don’t mind being alone.

But, I also get very social at times. I am an ambivert.

I would say If you talk to me, I come off as a Friendly Person.

It is not a drastic difference, but definitely I am much more expressive here!

Occasionally, writing articles like this makes me ponder, How will I feel or think when I will Review or Read these articles after many years later?

This can be treated as a nice little thought experiment.

What will you think about your Time Capsule which you have created here?

~Follow me for a Follow Back! Because that’s a new hack which I discovered recently :)

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Harsh Gaurav

I woke up one day ~_~ learnt about Medium O_O and realised how good writing is for me :O I am a simple man ^_^ Read ‘About’ Section for more ✍️(◔◡◔)