espeak on Windows: Your Key to Effortless Text-to-Speech in Windows Terminal

Harsh Jinger
3 min readSep 14, 2023


Photo by Gabriel Heinzer on Unsplash

Greetings and a warm welcome to my blog! Today, I want to introduce you to a valuable tool: espeak. Espeak is a command-line utility that facilitates text-to-speech conversion across a spectrum of languages and accents. It boasts ease of installation and use, proving indispensable in various scenarios.

1. Script Notifications with espeak:

Imagine running a lengthy script that demands your attention upon completion. With espeak, you can integrate a line at the script’s end like this:

espeak "Script completed successfully"

This way, you’ll receive an audible notification, allowing you to focus on other tasks while your script runs in the background.

TTS of Linux based espeak cli tool

2. Audiobook Convenience:

“espeak” shines when you’d rather listen than read. Suppose you have a lengthy article or book you want to absorb while multitasking — espeak can convert text into an audio file like so:

espeak -f filename.txt -w filename.wav

This command reads text from filename.txt and saves it as an audio file, filename.wav. Transfer this file to your device, and you can listen to it during activities like walking, driving, or cleaning.

3. espeak Limitations:

Despite its utility, espeak isn’t without drawbacks. Some issues to consider include:

a. Compatibility Challenges:

  • Espeak may encounter problems with certain sound systems, resulting in error messages like the inability to access the audio device or distorted sound. These issues can stem from sound card, driver, or mixer configurations, necessitating adjustments or alternative sound systems for proper functioning.

b. Robotic Voice:

  • Espeak’s default voice is decidedly robotic and unnatural, unlike more lifelike options such as Siri or Alexa. Although you can tweak attributes like voice, speed, pitch, and accent, don’t expect significant improvements.

For instance, you can experiment with:

espeak -v en-us+f3 -s 150 "Hello world"

This command uses a female voice with an American accent, speaking at a rate of 150 words per minute. While you can experiment with different settings, espeak’s core limitations persist.

4. Closing Thoughts:

In spite of these challenges, espeak remains a valuable tool for Linux enthusiasts. Its open-source nature, ease of use, and cost-free availability make it an asset for tasks such as script notifications and text-to-speech conversion.

Very robotic female voice in linux’s espeak

Espeak on Windows (PowerShell)

If you’re a Windows user interested in leveraging espeak, you’re in luck! Here’s a guide to using espeak in PowerShell:

Step 1: Open PowerShell and enter the following code:

function Speak-Text {
param (
[string] $Text,
[string] $VoiceGender = "Female"
$speechSynthesizer = New-Object -TypeName System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer
try {
if ($VoiceGender -eq "Female" -or $VoiceGender -eq "Male") {
finally {
New-Alias -Name espeak -Value Speak-Text

This code establishes a function called Speak-Text that utilizes the System.Speech.Synthesis namespace to perform text-to-speech conversion. Additionally, it creates an alias named espeak for easy access.

Step 2: You can now use espeak in PowerShell with commands like:

espeak "Hello world"

To change the voice gender, add the -VoiceGender parameter:

espeak "Hello world" -VoiceGender Male
espeak on powershell in Window’s Terminal

Step 3: To make these changes permanent, add them to your PowerShell profile. Open your profile with:

notepad $PROFILE

Paste the code from Step 1 at the end of the file, save, and close it.

Step 4: Restart PowerShell to begin using the espeak function and alias.

With these steps, you’ve successfully incorporated espeak into your Windows environment through PowerShell. Enjoy its functionality and feel free to ask any questions or share your thoughts in the comments section. Thank you for reading, and happy speaking!

