About Street Fighter Game

4 min readMay 17, 2023


Game Link: https://github.com/king4404/Street_Fighter

Building a 2D Street Fighter game using Java and Swing involves creating a graphical user interface (GUI) and implementing various game components and mechanics. Let’s explore each aspect in detail:

Setting up the GUI:
— Begin by creating a main window for the game using the `JFrame` class provided by Swing.
— Customize the window’s properties, such as size, title, and layout.
— Create a `JPanel` that will serve as the game canvas, displaying the characters and background.

Designing the Splash Screen:
— Create a visually appealing image or animation that represents the Street Fighter game.
— Design the splash screen to reflect the game’s theme, incorporating the game’s logo, characters, or other relevant elements.
— Use image editing tools or animation software to create the desired visual effect for the splash screen

Implementing the Splash Screen:
— Create a separate class specifically for the splash screen functionality.
— In this class, extend the JFrame class to create a new window for the splash screen.
— Set the size, position, and appearance of the splash screen window.
— Add the designed splash screen image or animation to the window.
— Set a specific duration for the splash screen to be displayed before transitioning to the main game window.

Character and background design:
— Design or obtain sprite sheets for the characters, which consist of individual images for various movements like walking, jumping, and attacking.
— Similarly, obtain or create background images that represent different fighting arenas.
— Split the sprite sheets into separate image files to be used for animation later.

Player input:
— Implement keyboard input listeners to capture player actions.
— Map specific keys to movements (e.g., arrow keys for walking and jumping) and attacks (e.g., punch, kick).
— Handle the events triggered by player inputs and update the character’s position and state accordingly.

Game logic:
— Implement the core game logic, including collision detection, health management, and attack mechanics.
— Detect collisions between characters and objects, such as punches connecting with opponents or characters hitting the edges of the screen.
— Manage health values for each character, reducing health when attacks land successfully.
— Implement a scoring system and determine the winner based on the remaining health or other victory conditions.

— Create animation cycles using sprite sheets.
— Define the sequences of sprite images to display various character movements and attacks.
— Use timers or animation loops to switch between frames of the animation, creating the illusion of movement and action.

Sound effects and music:
— Add sound effects to enhance the gameplay experience.
— Incorporate audio files for character grunts, punches, kicks, and other actions.
— Include background music that fits the mood of the game.
— Utilize the `javax.sound.sampled` package to play audio files during specific events or continuously throughout the game.

Game modes:
— Implement different game modes to provide variety and replay value.
— Develop a two-player mode for local multiplayer, allowing two human players to compete against each other.

Testing and refining:
— Thoroughly test the game to identify and fix bugs or glitches.
— Seek feedback from users to understand areas of improvement and make necessary adjustments to gameplay, controls, or graphics.
— Optimize the performance of the game, ensuring smooth animation and responsiveness.

Game Over and Victory Conditions:
— When a character’s health bar reaches zero, the opponent wins the round.
— The player who wins the required number of rounds first wins the match.
— A victory screen displays the winner and game statistics at the end of a match.

— Package the game as a standalone executable or a runnable JAR file, making it easy for users to play the game on their systems.
— Distribute the game through appropriate channels, such as hosting it on a website, sharing it as a download, or submitting it to gaming platforms.

Building a Street Fighter game using Java and Swing allows you to create a visually engaging and interactive gaming experience, incorporating iconic characters, exciting fighting mechanics, and multiplayer capabilities. By following the steps outlined above and continuously refining your implementation, you can develop a compelling game that captures the essence of the Street Fighter series.

